Within the blink of an eye, your baby is SEVEN! It incomprehensible , but somehow so very true!
Not only is she 7, she is also growing up. Watching and observing. Asking and listening. Maturing and changing. Somewhere, along the way I realised that Stella needed a space of her own (she used to share with Lacey , 5) and a space that was a little more on the 'grown up' side.
Don't get me wrong, I still look at her as a little girl. She has so many years ahead of her to be a 'tween' or 'teen' but for now, seven is still young. Still pretty and girly and still a time for playing and being a kid. Well that's my opinion anyway.
Stella still asks me to pick her clothes for the day ( I am holding onto this for as long as possible), she still likes to play with her siblings, she still likes to play with Hilda her bunny in a role play Mummy situation and she still likes a soft cuddle toy at night. Hallelujah!
When we decided to give Stella her own space ( and me stop working from home) , she moved into the smallest and oddest shaped room in the house. Regardless, she was stoked!! A space to call her own. And a space to kick her siblings out of when she was sick of them! We wanted something pretty but inspiring, a little area for her to write and draw (her favourite things to do) and some storage and display for her 'precious items'. All while being rental friendly!
Now, seeing as though we live in the desert ( Ok, not quite the desert but it sure can feel like it at times!) we only have one shop, being Kmart. Its a pretty good shop to have at the moment, as they are busting out some awesome homewares but it still makes of limited shopping, especially when you are looking for something in particular. So sourcing bits and pieces we wanted for her room was the not the easiest task.
Plus budget. Always back to the budget! We are a single income family (or were until this week when I returned to work) and therefore everything needs to be budget friendly.
I can't say I have ever set out to decorate a room. I have never said - Right Liz, lets make over this room from top to bottom. And gone out and bought everything that I have needed/wanted. Our budget has never allowed it. Our rooms have just evolved over time.
Stella's room
I think with any bedroom space, whether it be for a child or adult, its nice to have some different bedding options. By simply changing your quilt cover or throw cushions with each linen change, you are essentially creating a new look and giving the room a fresh feel. Stella has the above quilt cover and also a reversible Coverlet which we change up every time I change her sheets. This gives her 3 different looks for her room.
Cute love heart battery operated lights (bought on sale after Valentines Day from Woolworths for $5) add some fun and a soft glow when she is having trouble getting to sleep at night.
An older photo before we sourced new drawers and painted them . |
I had the floor mat made by a local lady who used fabric I had in storage . I love that it is machine washable - a must while living in the Pilbara.
The bookcase was given to us by a friend , Stella stores all her precious and keepsake items in it, as well as her books and craft supplies.
Her desk area is a funny little alcove in her room and the desk is repurposed from my old work area. It fits perfectly into the space and a lot of gorgeous drawings have been produced here.
Bits and pieces and 'pretties' are a must for any girls room!! Free printables I found on Pinterest stuck on the wall with washi tape, brighten the space nicely.
A room is never complete without a wall collage!
The watermelon print Stella drew and painted herself and the Ice-cream print is just scrapbooking paper with a sticker of an ice-cream added. Wall art doesn't have to be expensive! The Live the Life print is actually the front of a Typo notebook that I cut off and framed. |
There you have a look inside of Stella's girly space. She loves pictures and colours, watermelons and crafting. She likes to leave her shoes on the floor and is a bower bird for anything shiny she can find. Typical 7 year old really ;)
And because I know the questions and emails will come, details of pieces in her room;
The quilt cover was bought for $20 on sale at the Adairs Outlet store. Its reversible as well.
Her newer drawers were bought for $20 off our local Facebook Buy and Sell site and I sanded, painted and added glass knobs to them. She just needed a few more drawers for things like knickers, socks, bathers etc.
Pillowcases - Adairs and Cotton On Kids
Watermelon cushion - Cotton On Kids
Face cushion - Adairs on sale for $15
Love Canvas- Adairs for $9
S letter- made with letter from Spotlight and scrap booking paper
Coverlet- Gifted to us by a friend but from Kmart a while ago
If there is anything else you would like to know please feel free to ask!
And despite Stella loving her own space, she also loves the other kids visiting her, and they love hanging out in there too!! Angus can always be found laying on her bed , watching her draw or taking her a book to read to him!