
Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Tree , oh Christmas Tree

So, last Sunday ( a week early I know but I was really impatient excited, and knew that all the weekends and nights through December are going to be craaaazzzyyy!
On Saturday after work, I went and bought a new tree from Target, a 7 footer!! I really wanted one that was bigger than Noel, and at 6ft 9" , its no easy task. But alas, I was uber excited and needed no further encouragement to buy a gorgeous fluffy tree ( not real, fake, very Un American!)

Stella in front of the new tree, cute as ever, excuse the house, pigsty!
 For those who know me, know that I am somewhat a decorating and tree natzi!! Heaven forbid when Stella and the twins starts bringing home ones they have made from school etc, but I know I will love them all the same!
So, I like to put all the same balls on at the same time, for example, all the gold glitter balls, then all the red glitter balls and so on. This ensures that they are all evenly spaced, padantic I know, but hey, that me, and I LOVE Christmas!! I am thinking we should keep our old tree, one tree for the kids to decorate and one for Mummy!!

Note: Stella is blurred = great indicator as her speed and excitement in this project, she was buzzing!!

To get into the mood of things I searched our CD collection (which isn't very big anymore thanks to iTunes!!) for a Christmas CD, and the only one I could find was Hanson's Christmas album, "Snowed In" , much to my punk music loving husbands disgust! He did well, I give him full credit, it wasn't until the Cd was starting to play through for the second time that he actually said "enough is enough Liz" haha oh what a SNAG!! Anyway, as I was singing along to the teeny bopper singers in their super high pitched voices, remeniscing about my teenage years , and hanging christmas decorations with my family , I felt happy and content and couldn't have asked for a better day! Not to mention Stella dancing and prancing around , so excited about Christmas!! (At least she had an appreciation for Hanson!! Purhaps its cos they sound like Hi 5?!) 
This year is going to be a goodie, Stella knows whats going on, she actually likes Santa (instead of the usual fear and tears when she sees him) and she loves having the lights on , on the tree every night!

The completed tree with 2 of my favourite people!

Noel helping Stella put the star on top of the tree, the advantages of having a ladder of a Dad

I have to be honest, I am a real traditionalist with my decorations for the tree, the usual colours for Christmas, red , gold and sometimes green (although this year I have left most the green off!). The whole blue and purple thing doesn't float my boat, sorry if thats you, thats why we all have our own trees I guess!
We are collecting quite a few special ornaments now, some were bought whilst we were in Europe, in Salzburg there was the most amazing Christmas shop, that was set up permanently with amazing decos , I was in heaven and wished I had bought more!! But we have some from Europe , some from America ( Noels parents went last year aswell) some from Turkey ( again the IL) and every year I buy the collectors edition ones for Stella (ie: Baby's first Christmas with a photo pocket , etc) and will do the same for the babies too!
I never spend too much on the decos, and always try and pick something or other up in the after Christmas Sales, they put all the left over decs out at clearance and you can get some great things at less than half price!!
 Not only do I decorate the tree, but infact the whole house. I believe its worthy doing it for our kids alone, they deserve for it to feel like Christmas, and it is only once a year!
We are lucky enough for Noel's Mum to gift us a patchwork piece ( a runner, or wall hanging or something) every year as part of our present. She completes the back with details of the year, major things that have happened and the price of milk, bread and fuel. Its an awesome way to look back and remember things in the years to come. As you can imagine we have quite a few pieces now, and its nice to have the choice as to how and what I decorate the house with each year!
I will take some pics of the other decos too, so you can see. (if you are interested of course!!)

Our little observer and supervisor!! Right after she had strewn biccie everywhere. Max was still asleep
I hope this post hasn't been too boring, I know that I love seeing the way other people decorate their homes for the festive season.

Just lately , I have some awesome feedback from some people who are reading my blog (and many who I didn't think would be, are!!) and I am flattered. Many mentioned that they read daily (OMG, how cool!!) so I am on a mission to post daily, lets see how it goes, hopefully I can pull it off!!
However, if there is anything anyone would like me to write about, please feel free to let me know, I am thinking I am going to be stuck for things to write about, yes, even I get stuck for words at times!! So any ideas, shoot em my way!
Off to the land of nod, we actually watched a movie tonight, whilst I waited for the photos to load on here (Blogger , if you are listening, surely there is an easier way!!) but it was really good, new release from the vid store, called "Killers", loved it!
Night all

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