
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

T is for.....

This week is "T" week in our house! I have been a bit slack of late with the Educational weeks, with Christmas and everything, BUT... we are back to it now!
I decided on doing the Letter T , because I would like to teach Stella how to spell her own name, I think thats important, don't you? hehe
So, I start these weeks off, with making a little plan to myself Eg;
Day 1- Colouring In and Letter recognition
Day 2- Collect items beginning with or associated with the theme
Day 3- Theme related craft project #1
Day 4 - Sing songs about theme and Craft project #2
Day 5- Read books and do an activity

This week , we are a day behind schedule , as we had some beautiful visitors that we spent the day with yesterday, so we will be doing a little more each day to make up for it!

We started off by doing some colouring in pages today, but it wasn't until late this arvo (we spend a gorgeous morning at the waterpark again with some amazing friends!!)
I printed off 2 different versions, one already coloured in , which I used for the wall, and the other a blank copy for Stella to colour in as she wishes.

With some help from Mummy!
 We have moved the playroom around a little but still have our display table for our Theme weeks, complete with posters above.
We cut out the pre-coloured pic and put them on the wall (naughty I know and now I wish I had of backed them with pretty paper) and Stella's masterpieces will go up here too!
The piece of blue card, is just that, a piece of blue cardboard with a piece of scrapbooking paper , double sided taped on top. This will be the backing for our collage that we will do tomorrow ( cutting pictures out of magazines, all of things starting with T)

Hmmm we had a gorgeous little helper at the table that wanted to colour in too!!

He is standing up on everything!!

Hows the concentration!!
 Something else that we are using as an aid to help Stella learn how to spell her name, is her Name puzzle. She received this from her Grandma and Poppy for Christmas, you can purchase them custom made from ( I would love to get her the numbers one too!!) She loves the puzzle because it is all about her, and I love it because every time we are putting it together, we are sounding out the letters, soon she will know where they go, next step will be writing the characters!

Later on in the week will be making Trees out of toilet rolls, a Turtle out of a paper plate and playing things like trains and talking on our telephones.
I am still trying to piece out another craft project too, hmm too many choices!
I find my printable posters and things HERE,  this site is great, it has songs, craft and poster ideas , for Letter themes, animals themes, numbers, you name it!! I love it and use it all the time!!
For more of our themed weeks visit HERE , HERE , HERE, and HERE, if you are searching for ideas.
I will keep you posted with the rest of the happenings this week.

And a few snippets from our glorious sunny yet humid Tuesday.

This morning, whilst I was packing for the waterpark, and had Max by my feet, all went quiet in the Playroom, and every mother knows what that means !! TROUBLE!! And there was only Lacey left in there!! Oh dear..... what shall I find but... a budding artist!! Equipped with a black texta her sister so conveniently left laying on the ground after some colouring in, Lacey decided to give this colouring thing a go!!
I was greeted with the cheekiest grin EVER!! One could only chuckle!! Off to get the camera I went!!
Hmmmm, a face washer and some makeup remover later, and you could still see it everywhere. Oh well, these things happen...haha.

And.. a gorgeous morning spent at our Forshore park again, with beautiful friends and gorgeous kiddies!! Max playing with his favourite spouts!!

My Project Life pic for the Day!! I love this!! Max and his older cousins

 And a tired out Lacey getting big cuddles from her Aunty!! Aren't they the best cuddles to get?!

I hope everyone else had as good a day as I did!! Enjoy Hump day tomorrow!!


  1. All thats pretty cool!
    but arent you worried she will get bored when she goes to school if shes already learnt it all before?

  2. Thanks for your comment Jenny, but no, I don't think so. Its no different than a child doing a 3 year old program at a school, and there are a few things a child is expected to know when going into Kindy, I am just making sure Stella will be up with it.

  3. thats cool just wondering :) stella is a clever lil cookie!

  4. If she gets bored, I would hope her teacher does something about it!! hmmm Look out for the natzi Mummy!!
    I don't know if she is clever, just a switched on 2 year old, but aren't they all? Wise little souls!


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