
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

TIme Is Up

I have been quiet lately. Have you noticed?
Hell, even I have noticed!
I has been a combination of things. Sheer exhaustion, the past 18 months (6 whilst pregnant and utterly uncomfortable , and 12 of our little cherubs lives) of sleep deprivation, trying to adjust to not having the salon (and sort all the wrapping up stuff out) and just trying to survive in our chaotic, full on and delightful life. Oh and throw solo parenting for 4 days into the mix, as Noel was in Perth for work and Liz is one worn out lady!
But to top it off, and rock the boat totally, we have lost another 2 people, precious people, in our lives.

As you are aware, Noel's Grandad passed away, on the 12th March , but last week, my Uncle passed away. Devastating.
Its sad enough that people die, and leave this beautiful world (even though they are destined for a better one) but what makes me so , so sad, is the people they leave behind. My cousins, without a father, my gorgeous Aunty without a husband , best friend and confidante and my cousins kiddies, without a loving Poppy.
But yesterday , on Stella's 3rd Birthday, we attended his funeral, and layed him to rest. He is at peace.

Two days later, after my Uncles passing, we received a call, actually I did, and Noel was in Perth for work, that Noel's Grandma, this time on his Dad's side, had passed away.
She had been having trouble with her heart for some time, and the time came for her to stop the fight. Her funeral is in Perth on Thursday.
Unfortunatley I will not be attending, Noel will, but we/he has to travel down to Perth and back in the same day, and that is too much for 3 little kiddies, and even us, but these things need to be done. If it was over 2 days, down one day, back the next, I wouldn't hesitate, but thats the way life is.

I know its terrible to say, but hopefully that is our 3. The end of our bad run, and time for a new start and some happy and positive times!!
Lucky we have these precious bundles to keep us grounded and able to appreciate the wonder and miracle of life itself.

SO CUTE!! A morning tea together or biccies and apple! And yes, my kids are in their PJ's. It was a home day , so why not I say!

1 comment:

  1. What a sad time for you :(
    Sending hugs to you and your family xx


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x