
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As I mentioned briefly in my previous post, our little cherubs have not been well. To be honest, it was a bit of a nightmare, with 2 junior snot monsters, with noses like taps, and hating to have it wiped. Chesty, horrible , painful coughs, and alot of crying, and sleeplessness.
It was however, great for Mummy, with lots of cuddles being dealt out, but not so good when all 3 wanted them at the same time!

We stayed home for a whole week, not leaving the house, other than to do a manditory food shop, or we might well have died of starvation, not through an overdose on snot! ha.
Instead of the usual trips to playgroup, gym etc, we stayed hom, in Pj's and trackies, socks, heater on and vicks everywhere!
I hate when the kids are sick, especially the littlies, as they can not take anything , other than keeping up the Panadol and using a Vapouriser.
Stella was a little easier, she is able to take medicine, and does so very willingly, so we are lucky. But then Noel and I got it! Oh the joys of parenting.

Since reading Jade's blog and seeing this post a fair while ago, I knew what needed to be done to keep things organised and the communication lines open between Noel and Myself. Especially for administering medication, as you never want to double up or forget and seeing though Noel is such a hands on Dad, its a joint effort.
I copied Jade's idea , using the bowls, one for Stella, one for Max and Lacey, and wish I had of just printed of a checklist like she had, however, it was a spare of the moment decision and with 2 sick bubbas, time didn't permit, a simple notepad made do. I am going to print off some checklists though, and have them in the file withe my printables, for easy access for next time!

We simply noted the time the medication was given, how any many mLs and what of, and who is was for.
Max and Lacey also had the Vapouriser on in their room, but because we only have one, we also used these new plug ins purchased from the chemist  called Sudoclear in Stella's room as she wasn't as sick. You simply replace the little odour pad every night and plug into a power point. The rooms smells devine, it clears the airways and the air and room isn't so moist!

Thankfully, it only took a week or so for the worst of it to clear, and we had our happy kiddies back again!!
I hope this can help you when you have multiple kids sick in your house, as Jade has helped me too! Again!

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Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x