
Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend loves..

They fly by!! Weekends, go way too fast for my liking!!
But not without some beautiful things happening!

Like 2 little people watching their Dad mow the lawn through the window!!

Some gorgeous, new, patent, super soft shoes!! Ooowww they are sooo nice , and feel like slippers!

Some mega bargains picked at up at the Jive Baby sale, they are closing down, last day is the 30th, and they had a clearance sale yesterday arvo!!

The simple pleasures, like taking a handbag out instead of a nappy bag!!

And some not so great things too!
Like another trip to the chemist to stock up on supplies, and a Saturday night trip to the Hospital with one Lacey darling!
Sick again!! AYYYYYY!

Team all this , with my very first Enjo Party , to which I played host , and am now utterly addicted, some Football, swimming lessons for Stella (the twins did not attend theirs as they were sick) , my Nephews 9th Birthday (The birthday dinner was held at our house) and some general household jobs and tidying and our weekend was jam packed!! I need a rest just from everything that happened!! Next weekend is set to be no different, but I am looking forward to it already!!

Oh to dream! What would you do if you had a day , or even half a day, child free?
I would love to say read a book, sleep, go out for lunch, but all I dream about doing , is getting into my spare room, tidying, sorting, organising, and making way for it to become the twins bedroom. All the stuff you can't do with 2 little "helpers" that like to cause chaos where ever they go!!

And if anyone is techno savvy, which clearly , I am NOT!! Can anyone help me as to why I can not comment on other blogs under my Google and blog log in? It won't work, and I can't figure out why?!

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