
Saturday, January 28, 2012

A few things

Stopping by to share a quick post with you about our " Start of School" organising.
I have been terribly tired of late, even falling asleep ON TOP of our bed whilst watching TV or whilst trying to motivate myself to get up and start Scrapbooking or something. *YAWN*
So the lack of posts are for this reason. I have a planner full with posts, its getting them written that seems to be the problem! Anyhoooo

Last weekend saw the start of many "Back to School" haircutting sessions, with me doing the 3 oldest kids ( Angus certainly doesn't need one and it will be a fair while before he does, he is quite the baldy!)

I created a few wardrobe dividers to help with the Wardrobe organisation of Stella's school clothes. Post of the complete wardrobe coming soon!
I feel I must say that my husband laughed his little head off at me for making these!! He thinks they are a silly idea, and that they are not needed. In my defense, I do things like this because I can. Seriously!!
(I must make a point too that my hubster is a VERY supportive and helpful man, and puts up with ALOT of these sorts of things from me! HaHa)
In my life, and day to day happenings, there are so many things I can not control ( and I am a control freak!) , so many things I can not change and that I have to just live with. If the kids are having a bad day,  I can't control that. If we have alot on our agenda, I can't control that. If I have an unsettled baby, I can't control that. What I CAN control are my surroundings. How clean my house is, how organised I am. How organised the house is. The games and crafts we play and do.
Seeing as though these are things that can make a difference to our lives and can be changed, I take the opportunity. And you know what? They may a difference to me! They make me feel better about the things I can't help and just have to deal with , and make coping with the hard times that little bit easier!! Anyone with me?! Get my drift? Feel my pain?
So, here are the funny wardrobe dividers , that are oh so cute!!

I started with some cute 8 x8 cardstock but you can use any card or paper for this , but the cuter the better I say! And also a few pieces of thicker card , I reused an insert from my new We R Memory Keepers Album.
I then glued the coloured card to the white card.

I used an old CD as the template and simply traced around the outside, on the back of the white card and cut out .

I then took out a small triangle in the side of each circle and completed them with some chipboard lettering, for labels.

                                                                    Aren't they cute?!

       We have also started to read a few school based books, and found a few in our local Target store.
"The Things I LOVE about School "and a cute Charlie and Lola book (thanks Gemma!) "I am too absolutely small for school" and the third one is one I had when I was a kid called "Adams Apple".

So just a few small things again, that make all the difference. We also cleaned out her backpack ( using an existing one), wiped and disinfectant the new cooler bag, bought new school shoes ( on sale in Target for $8)  and purchased the school supplies.
I have also nearly finished the lunchbox baking, each item is gladwrapped individually and in the freezer ready to go!
It seems all that is left is labelling some containers for her lunch box and her waterbottle, purchasing a school hat and library bag and we will be set! Sob sob


  1. I love your dividers.
    Lulu doesn't even have a wardrobe at this stage. but we have dedicated one whole draw to uniforms. I love a bit of organising.

  2. Must be so good to be able to cut your own kids hair. Hayden is starting school too and I wanted to take him to the hairdressers when we were in Geraldton but all he wanted was to let Grandad cut it. So his lovely blonde hair is now a number 3! Saying that he sat and had it done without the bribing, crying and running away from the hairdressers.

  3. Love the dividers! Another idea of yours I will have to try out for myself. You're turning me into a very busy lady!!


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x