
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What a year!

Firstly I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! We sure did! The kids , especially Stella , are at a wonderful age, it made the day truely magical!
I had so many posts planned pre Christmas, half written and pictures taken for , yet time simply got away from me and spending time with my beautiful family took priority! I will post some, albeit a little late for the festivities but for some light reading anyway in the next few days!

Yesterday we returned  from our family summer getaway to a sleepy seaside town pretty close to home.  The internet and phone reception was sporadic and the kids had a ball, swimming, building sandcastles, playing footy and burning up lots of energy in the fresh air.
Surrounded by the people I love most, we welcomde in the New Year with a yummy BBQ dinner, in bed at the stroke of midnight, however still joyous in the fact we had an amazing year!
2011 was a turbulent one for me and my family. With the good came the amazing and with the bad came the devastating.
We lost 3 beautiful family member in the space of 3 weeks, Noel's gorgeous Grandad, my lovely Uncle and Noel's Grandma on the opposite side of the family. Emotional and testing but we take comfort knowing they are all now at peace and pain free.
We also sold my first baby. My salon. I worked like a Trojan for many years and we reaped the rewards from an amazing business with beautiful clients, lots whom I will treasure as great friends forever. This was bittersweet but I could not be happier with my new found job description as a Stay at Home Mum!
On a happier note, we were blessed with the most Devine surprise package in the form of our beautiful Angus Frankie,  9 weeks old. truely devine and I couldn't imagine my life without him. The best baby who is loved so dearly by everyone.
We have taken family holidays to Horrocks, Shark Bay and also a child free pre-baby trip to Bali for DH and I for 4 days.
We decided to start making the house , our home, and installed more storage throughout, a new laundry, TV unit and finally got the Leather Lounge we have always longed for (thanks GE !)
An amazing year, with some beautiful memories and a whole lotta love!

Thanks for following, reading, commenting, your support is so ovewhelming.
I can't wait for the journey that is 2012, and taking you along for the ride!
Goodluck to everyone for this year, its going to be a goodie!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! What a lot of changes and a fresh slate for 2012.

    I'm sorry to hear about the losses within your families, it's always hard but especially around the holidays.


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x