
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Last week, the 14th, I celebrated my 27th Birthday. Don't you hate it , now that we are older, that it doesn't even feel like your birthday? Well thats the way I feel. But I had a lovely day, filled with friends and family and I got majorly spoilt!
The day before I had a lovely morning tea at my girlfriends, as her birthday is 2 days before mine, and the kids had a play. Then on the day, my parents did their usual early morning visit with gifts, just like when we were kids, and I headed to Northampton ( about 40 mins away) to visit a friend and spend the day before school pick up.

No birthday is complete without the mandatory family dinner and over catered feast!
The food was yummy as usual and company even better!

All in all ,  I had a lovely day, got wayyyyy too spoilt and certainly had some yummy Lemon Meringe pie to work off at bootcamp the next morning! ha


  1. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day. May the year ahead be filled with lots of wonderful things for you x

  2. Happy Birthday, you're such a spring chicken.


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