
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

I can't believe Easter has come and gone, and all within the blink of an eye! It well and truely sinks in, when I pack away all the Decorations and goodies around our home, but I must admit, I am loving the clutter free look around the house now!

We spent an amazing few days with my family, my parents and sister and family, in the beautiful town of Shark Bay, about 4 hrs North of Geraldton, where we live. The weather was really turned on for the weekend and ALOT of fun was had by all!!
The kids have spent the last few days recouping and recovering, playing quietly and just hanging at home, because all they did for 3 days solid was play with their cousins!

We fished, swam, drank, ate, chatted, laughed, did a bit of siteseeing and just enjoyed each others company! This years trip was alot more relaxing than that of last years, a combination of staying in a chalet, not a tent (yippppee) having just one baby , not two (but 2 toddlers instead!) and the awesome weather!  We all had the best time and are well and truely looking forward to next year !

And now for the photos, sorry its an overload, there were too many to choose a favourite!

Max and Lacey are now pros on their "kootas" , and look so cute on them too!

Angus was an absolute delight, he is a dream baby and so laid back and casual. Not the best sleeper in the world, but his beautiful temperament and personality , well and truely make up for it!

Do you think he was excited to get an Easter egg/bunny? I must deprive my kids of chocolate! haha

The picturesque Monkey Mia , with the dolphins. They are just gorgeous aren't they?!

Watching the 'dol-pins' , so cute. And they learnt a new word, and used it repeatedly for the next 30 mins!

                                      Wild Emus wander through the Monkey Mia resort!


Our kids sure love their Grandma!!

Fun fun fun!
We got home, did 10 loads of washing ( I am being serious!!) and are in chill out mode! All in prep for DH to go away for work next week, I may be requiring a drink or 3! haha
And , we decided now was a good a time as any to Toilet train Max and Lacey! So far, so good, but I will keep you posted and have been asked to do a post on our Toilet training experiences , so that is coming!


  1. Gorgeous photos, I never tire of looking at the WA sunshine and beaches. I still can't believe how grown up your kids are looking these days!

  2. I was in Shark Bay during the easter break as well! The weather was amazing and it such a relaxed and chilled out place! Lucky you having a chalet, we had the good old tent! Glad it was at a caravan park though so we still could have a shower and use a proper toilet haha.
    Beautiful photos I can't believe how big you kids are getting!! xx

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. I've always wanted to go to Shark Bay and Monkey Mia one day as I know my big girl would love to see the dolphins. Gorgeous photos of your family x

  4. So gorgeous liz you have such beautiful kiddies : )


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