
Friday, May 25, 2012

Wardrobe Organising

First up, I just want to thank everyone for their support, kind words and encouragement about my post yesterday, and my whinge on my Facebook page. I would never wish bad days on anyone but its nice to know that everyone has them, and we are all in this together. Mothering is not easy, kids are testing, and life can be hard!
But... today was a new day. And it was a good day.  And I have no doubt tomorrow will be even better!

On to the point of the post;
A few days ago I set out on an organising mission. Our walk in robe has been my pet hate of our house (with quite a few other things too , don't you worry!) .
Its a big robe, we are very lucky, but we certainly need it! I am a lover of all things in a wardrobe. Shoes , Oh yeah I LOVE shoes.
Jewellery, yep love that too!
And clothes, well a girls gotta wear something , right?

Plus our wardrobe is used for storage of other things as well. Computer and camera items. Presents bought in advance. Keepsakes that are too good for the garage or shed.

And it was an absolute PIGSTY!! Bad.

So , off to Target I went (as its our only department store) with limited funds, but a need for supplies.
*Please excuse the pics during this post, the WIR is long and narrow and very dark.

So here are the BEFORE pics

Bad huh?
From Target I picked up a few organising baskets etc and found these. They were $10 for a pack of 2 and I LOVE them.

They zip up on the bottom for easy assembly and storage when not in use. They are quite firm, wipe able and in a nice light, natural colouring/pattern. 

 And the AFTERS;

Top shelf jewellery
Next one is shorts and 3/4 casuals
Next is a spare Project Life kit (as I scrapbook in our room) and a paper holder
and the basket on the floor has scarves, hats, beanies etc

My handbags are kept on the top shelf , in these white baskets, with clutches, purses etc. Then there is a camera bag and white storage box with my camera lense boxes, filters and a few spare lenses ( I bought my camera second hand and got a few lenses with it that I don't use)

The plastic storage tubs up the top are of Christmas presents for the kids I have already bought ( I buy most presents online, from Ozsale etc super cheap, and just put them away. Even if something is going to be 3 sizes too big, it will fit one day!)
The brown Pappis Boxes from IKEA, have presents for babies, presents for kids, and keepsakes.

  I need a new solution for my shoes, instead of having them on a shoe rack, to which I never replace them or strewn all over the floor. These drawers with the plastic baskets are on clearance at Target for $20. Not super cheap but they are easy to use, easy to clean and I can always use the baskets separately elsewhere if they don't work out to be working.

I have separated the drawers into thongs, sandals, flats , heels etc. I have nearly finished making up labels , I will post them when they are finished!!

A few pairs of my chunkier cork shoes are a bit bulky so I thought I would just put them to the side, and the white big basket (only just visible) under the dresses, is full of my boots, sneakers etc.

The white drawers are for Hubby's scarfs, beanies, normal socks, ties etc

The man folks end. Jumpers on top with his trusty hat. 

First shelf is T-shirts and singlets
Next is boardies and tracksuit pants
Next is work clothes
And on the floor are work socks , and in the white basket are sports clothes.

And now for the jewellery. Just to warn you; I have ALOT!! Like heaps. But coming from a hairdresser background, costume jewellery is everything. I tended to wear alot of black, and then dress it up with funky necklaces and an arm party of bracelets or bangles.
I have had this organiser for a while, I bought it at Target as well, and it has all the nifty compartments for bracelets, and they are clear so you can still see all your goodies.
The hanging basket up the top is of brooches and flowers etc.
And you can see that belts are hanging on the right.

And then come the necklaces!! And I had a cull a few months ago, this is only half of what I did have. When we moved in DH screwed these hook racks to the wall. Its been the best thing ever.

And that's it! Its not completely finished, and it doesn't look absolutely fantastic but its working, its functional and its alot cleaner and tidier than it was!
Gotta love that!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz - Love Love Love the blog!!
    Your 'bad' wardrobe makes mine look like an atomic bomb went off!!! oh dear...:)
    Another post idea for you when you have a spare sec (Sorry) some of your online haunts...just checked out ozsale and OMG doing an order now for my 7mth old and 3.5 yr old!!


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x