
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pantry Door Organising

Its back! There are still plenty more places to organise and plenty more ways to save money and I am determined to find them! So here is another installment to the Organising on a Budget Series!

After reaching breaking point with our Pantry, trying to squeeze everything in, I decided enough was enough. Something had to happen to free up some space and the only option was on the doors.
We are fortunate to have a double door pantry, I understand that this is a luxury that most people don't have, however , we now have to store gluten free and normal options in most pantry items, plus school snacks and baby type foods. This doesn't leave much room and its like an organised chaos!!
Organised chaos or not, its not good enough for me! ha

So a few weeks back (its taken me that long to photograph and compile this post) we headed to Bunnings and purchased a handful of these wire baskets.  I love that they are easy enough for me to put on myself (without the need for hubby's help as I am not that confident with a drill) and also cheap as chips to buy ! Each basket is no more than $4 and can be put just about anywhere.

The space inside the door , between the shelf , was just wasted and unused and these are great at storing all those little bits and pieces but still allowing the doors to close properly  (just make sure you avoid lining them up with a shelf).

So now our Pantry doors look like this ;

Perfect spots for breakfast spreads , oils, and even the Glad Wrap and Al Foil down the bottom (just use a taller basket)! I also popped a stick on hook to hang our aprons and plastic bag holder and sent away for the hooks for the freezer bags.

The opposite door is more for spices and baking supplies. The food colours are up high and away from little fingers ( could you imagine the mess they could create!?). As are the patty pans, jelly packets, sprinkles and all packet of flavourings and soup mixes. The top 2 racks have been there for some time and are from Howards Storage World but all the bottom ones are new.

Spices are kept at the bottom and I hope to eventually have them all in the small Tupperware Spice containers, but budget allowing of course!

Easy, less than $15 and so much more space now! And we tend to use more spices now as we can see them!

Do you have any nooks and cranny's you can pop a few wall baskets and free up some space and organise at the same time?

More Organising on A Budget posts HERE, HERE and HERE.


  1. I soo need to look at doing this. However i have a melamine cheapie pantry so not sure if these sorts of attachments would work. We are very storage deprived. Might have to definately give it some thought!

  2. Great idea Liz and so cheap!
    I recently put some on the back of my pantry door for herbs and spices but wish I'd gone to Bunnings for mine ;)

  3. Big fan of the baskets on the back of the door, I keep spices, oils, colourings - pretty much the same as you - there. Hadn't thought to put the glad wraps and stuff there, hmmm you have me thinking now ...


  4. So clever and tidy! I have a flat melamine door for my pantry so we use it for meal planning, shopping lists etc. Ive thought about the baskets but I don't think they'd work.

  5. Hi Liz...we did this to our pantry door last is big but a really awkward shape to get into and small things get lost. Our door is melamine and the bunnings baskets have attached fine...just used short screws.
    The only problem I find is that the door is quite heavy to open now,really got to yank it. Guess that isnt a bad thing if you are trying to keep kids out of it. I dream for the day of my big walk in larder!


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x