
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Preparing for Christmas

In the past few weeks , leading up to December and the start of the festive season, there are a few things that have kept us busy and organised.

First of them being this cool Christmas Notes book from Kikki K.
I bought it a while ago when they sent  me an email for a $10 voucher and thought it would be great to keep track of everything through this crazy time of the year.
It is available HERE

Inside , it is split into sections with gorgeous dividers and has spots for Gifts, Cards, Food and receipts etc.
Perfect, and everything is in the one spot!

I have been busy organising craft activities for our playgroup and the kids have had a ball doing them too!
These cute bells are just made from foam cups and some decorative things on the outside.

I started to corral all the Christmas bits and pieces I was purchasing so they were all kept in the one easy to access spot .

I can't wait to use this little beauty. I have just got it out of storage and it was just $4 after Christmas last year from Bed ,Bath and Table , normally $19.95. Bargain!!

At the end of Christmas last year I grabbed a few of these packs on super clearance from Kikki K aswell. They were super cheap and are perfect for wrapping that perfect gift. String, a stamp, inkpad, tags, stickers, it all comes in the box!!
So if there is one piece of advice I would offer, try and pick up bits and pieces in the sales after Christmas and store them, if you have the space of course! It makes the silly season that bit easier and more affordable too!

I managed to grab these goodies from Big W when I was in Perth in October.
The cute trays come in a double pack and carry 4 cupcakes, perfect for that little gift for a friend or family member.

The pegs are just $4 from Target and will look great displaying our Christmas cards this year on a piece of bakers twine.

All my baking cases are ready to be filled and cooked! Yummo! And cute too!
Left are from IKEA and Right from Big W.

Yippee, our Elf was waiting in the wings , ready to come and join the family!!
We  are having so much fun with him, tomorrow I will share how we introduced "Alfie" to our family.

I found this cool pack at our Crazy Clarkes store. It was so cheap and had everything we needed to create 6 super cute Father Christmas'.  Perfect for those busy days or the 'non crafting Mum'

Our finished product!!
Just love them!

The kids wrote their letters to Santa. Obviously Stella was the most keen at completing hers. Max and Lacey did a little scribble and lost interest! ha

We used it as an opportunity to practise writing for Stella and used flashcards to help with the lettering.

We used this gorgeous printable for the letters from Bianca at a little delightful.
There are 3 styles to choose from and all super cute!
You can find them HERE


So... seeing as though my husband was adamant that I could not decorate or set the tree up before December 1st, we have been busy elsewhere!
I love this time of year, its always good fun!


And I think Lacey agrees!


  1. Great post Liz :) We for many year have had a "magic santa" that flies around the house at night and lands in a different spot...keeping an eye on things in the lead up to Christmas!

  2. I really appreciate your beautiful contributions... I am often inspired and visit on a weekly basis. I thought your tree cushion that you made was perfect!
    I was hoping, if you havent already, that you might share where you bought/how you made the flip flash cards. I love this idea.


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x