
Friday, September 12, 2014

Playing Tourists more than tour guide!

A few weeks ago , we were lucky enough to have all of my immediate family come up to visit and stay for 5 days!! It was totally wonderful. The kids had a ball playing with cousins again, we had a few bevvies and lots of chats and laughs.  Plus the weather was glorious!
Whilst showing them all the sights around our new town ( can you believe we have been here for nearly 15 months already!!) I took the opportunity to take a few snaps around the place. We are still discovering bits and pieces around town and really haven't ventured far (but that will all change soon , since we have bought our first caravan!)

Prior to flying up for my husbands interview and site visit before we decided to move, I had never visited the Pilbara region. My husband grew up in this area, in a small mining town a few hours south and inland but it was all new to me. I was in complete shock at the sheer size of the mining operations that happen here, how close to the centre of town it is and the amazing facilities that are available. 
When you look past all the iron ore dust, massive trains and other mine paraphernalia , the place is filled with hidden treasures. Statues and tourist attractions, flowers dotted around an otherwise barren and red landscape, everyday sights that are really not appreciated or seen and then the hidden beauty in the industrial chaos.

Most people that live here are here for the same reason - to get ahead and kick some financial goals (my husbands motto that I hear all to often!) . We are all here without family, and our network of friends soon becomes our Pilbara family. Everyone is supportive of each other, offers to look after kids, help when needed, celebrate birthdays and special occasions together and it all really makes living away from our loved ones, so so much easier! 

Some of the things that our kids are seeing and experiencing here, really can't be seen elsewhere and I hope they will remember them forever. They will have stories to share with their children and grandchildren about the massive trains that bought the Iron Ore to Daddy's work, about the flashing Christmas tree that was always in front of the salt pile, about the hot hot summers and beautiful winters. 

And because I had a few emails and messages after posting a few images of the Pilbara on the blog, I thought I would show you some bits and pieces of our town. 

Playing tourist and tour guide ...... 

It really is as red as it looks and the sky really does look amazing for a sunset. The winter has been glorious but today is forecast to reach 36 degrees and I don't see it letting up any time soon! 
Its going to be a long, hot summer. Thank goodness for air conditioning :)

I hope you enjoyed a sneak peek into the area, if you ever get a chance to visit, do it!! Its an amazing part of Australia ! 

1 comment:

  1. We did the same a few weeks ago when Mum and Dad came for a visit - did the BHP bus tour and the Seafarers Harbour tour - they were fab and my 4 yo loved them. For such a dirty, dusty, smelly, noisy place, there is so much beauty if you look for it :)


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x