Today I popped into our one and only large department store in G-Town. Target of course. The ever delightful Red Spot Boutique.
I have to admit, I actually love perusing the aisles and departments and Target was my first job, at the tender age of 14. Check out chick, then a promotion as I grew a bit older to the Refund/Exchange counters (horror after Christmas) before I resigned when I got my Apprenticeship.
Anyway, back to the shopping. Geraldton is a bit deprived. Ok, really deprived. For a city of its size, we are really disadvantaged in the Departments stores and Target has the Monopoly. Bring on BIG W I say!!!
However, that doesn't mean you don't nab a bargain or 10 every now and then!!
Today I picked up a few goodies, and thought it was only polite to share.
Two fantastic books, as amazing prices!! The Annabel Karmel one is usually $29 but was on Clearance for $9.88. Apparently they only unpacked it this morning but there is a new version with a new cover , so this is on special!! YAY! There were a few there, so if your Target doesn't have them, let me know!!
And the Christmas Sorted book. I have a pink one about Home Sorted, but this is a fantastic organising book for the Silly Season. Craft ideas for kids, recipes, checklists. All the good stuff. For $10.88 Bargain!!
And of course a Jade inspired glass vase. Very Bed Bath and Table but on special at Target for $24.50. Can't wait to use it now!
So, there you have it. A few bargains I picked up today. Not super cheap, but all a fab price for very practical and useful items.
We had a busy but nice day today. Took the kids to Gym, Stella loves it and Max and Lacey just cruise around and play on everything, Lacey particularly likes climbing onto the mats and small tramps now. But no Gym outing is complete without a trip to McDonalds McCafe with a few lovely ladies for a coffee and play first!!
All my jobs were done yesterday, well alot of them, the floors, bathrooms, dusting, changing the sheets and a few loads of washing, so its always nice to have a down day just playing and chilling afterwards!! But back to it tomorrow!! The machine NEVER stops in my house, and neither do I!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Home again , home again......
So... we are home. What a whirlwind trip that was!! Drove to Perth Saturday night after the babies were tucked up and snoozing, so about 7pm, short stay in hotel, then a flight to Bali at 9:30am Sunday.
Arrive at our hotel , 2:30pm Sunday and head out to change money and start making plans (and tattoo designs, Noel, not me, with post photos soon!!)
Stay Monday, Tuesday then flight left Bali at 10:30pm Wednesday night, arrived Perth at 2am Thursday. Customs, Fuel station and on the Brand Highway by 2:30am, NO SLEEP!!
Arrive to our humble abode and adorable , beautiful children at 7am!! Wowzers!!
We had a beautiful time, relaxed, got pampered, massaged to within an inch of our lives and dined out alot. Totally different life for a few days but it was just what we needed.
HOWEVER, I am a sook. Terrible, disgraceful sook. I cried. Alot. Everyday. I missed my babies, my 3 beautiful little people. Alot.
I had a great time, but will NEVER leave my kids for that length of time , EVER again. Yep, sook.
And the sleep deprivation at the end of a trip = not good. For such a relaxing break, its taken me days to recover.
I used to whinge and think that 2-3 hours in a night of sleep , in the early days of the twins was bad. That was nothing compared to no sleep, other than the hour or so I had on the plane and in the car. But that was the type of sleep you have when you can still hear everything. The pilot talking on the radio, the service trolley rattling past.
Then to come home at 7am to fresh, energetic children. No chance for sleep. Needless to say, I was shattered, we were shattered, and its taken pregnant Liz, a while to recover. But I must say, the adrenaline took over that day, and I was in 7th Heaven. Cuddles, kisses, snuggles under rugs on the couch, I could not get enough of my kids. Bless them.
I will load the pics from our little digital camera and post ASAP for you, although there really isn't many, nothing much happened, but Noel got some serious artwork done.
But what's new around here lately??
Our couch arrived , after waiting for it for 18 weeks!! I nearly forgot what I had ordered!! But boy do I LOVE it!! The leather is soft, comfortable and soooooo easy to clean.. Perfect for little grubby finger marks!
We had new Plantation Shutters installed, finally, after yet again, waiting 9 weeks for them. So worth the wait, but boy did I get impatient!! haha
I LOVE the clean, fuss free lines they give the room. They open it up so much, are easy to clean and so fantastic. They are perfect!!
New Venetians were also installed in the back 2 bedrooms, Stella's room and my sewing room, which is in the process of being culled to create Max and Laceys big babies room. Making way for the new addition of course!!
These bedrooms had verticals, which I am not a fan of, so we decided to do the house gradually!! Spotlight had 40% off all custom made blinds, so I jumped at the offer!!
Other than that, the only things changing is my belly, and the weather!!
I swear I am the same size in my tummy at 18 weeks , as I was with Stella's pregnancy at 28 weeks!! Its hard to compare from my last pregnancy of course, and the first to the 4th child , my body is definately different. Nothing is firm, and obviously has a tendency to stretch a lot easier.
The weather when we returned from Bali was quite chilly. Its like , over the few days we were away, it changed seasons. I am not usually a cold weather person, however I am liking it so far, but its only the beginning!!
Don't forget the giveaway on my last post, I will draw the winner on Wednesday night at 5pm, and you have to be in it , to win it. Thanks for all the lovely comments so far!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Yep, This is my 150th post!! Can you believe it?! I certainly can't!
At first, my little blog started out when I was pregnant with the twins, and was trying to prevent any cabin fever peaking its ugly head into my life, post twins birth. However, since I don't stay home or sit still long enough for any cabin fever to develop, I wasn't really at risk.
Now I blog for me. Cos it makes me feel good. Cos I feel debriefed. Cos I love the fact I have a diary and record that my children are now able to look back on and read just what their mother was thinking and feeling.
Just cos.
And to mark this special occasion, and maybe just cos, I would like to do a little giveaway. I have collected a few random but cute things from some gorgeous local stores and have a little surprise package for the lucky winner.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. Bare with me , in the annoucement of the winner, I may be a little preoccupied getting a massage, pedicure or shopping in Bali, but I will get to you ASAP.
So if you are feeling lucky, or just cos, give it a go!! Gotta be in it , to win it!!
And thanks for taking the time to read, life isn't easy. Its busy. Time is precious, and I appreciate you taking a few precious minutes in your day , to read my babble.
And thanks if you have read all 150 of them!!! (cheers Mum!! haha)
At first, my little blog started out when I was pregnant with the twins, and was trying to prevent any cabin fever peaking its ugly head into my life, post twins birth. However, since I don't stay home or sit still long enough for any cabin fever to develop, I wasn't really at risk.
Now I blog for me. Cos it makes me feel good. Cos I feel debriefed. Cos I love the fact I have a diary and record that my children are now able to look back on and read just what their mother was thinking and feeling.
Just cos.
And to mark this special occasion, and maybe just cos, I would like to do a little giveaway. I have collected a few random but cute things from some gorgeous local stores and have a little surprise package for the lucky winner.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. Bare with me , in the annoucement of the winner, I may be a little preoccupied getting a massage, pedicure or shopping in Bali, but I will get to you ASAP.
So if you are feeling lucky, or just cos, give it a go!! Gotta be in it , to win it!!
And thanks for taking the time to read, life isn't easy. Its busy. Time is precious, and I appreciate you taking a few precious minutes in your day , to read my babble.
And thanks if you have read all 150 of them!!! (cheers Mum!! haha)
Just cos - Max and Stella, the night of the twins birthday, on their new red couch, watching the Royal wedding. Classic!! |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
What's Been Happening?
Here? Lots!!
The kids have all had the sniffles and constant running noses of late. Easy with Stella, Some Demazin and Eucy Bear Rub on her feet and chest and it disappears in a few days. Max and Lacey however, are a different story! You can't give them as much, and they aren't as open to having their noses blown or wiped!!
Gosh they look cute all rugged up at the moment!! I know its not freezing, but there is a certain chill in the air, and I'll be damned if my kids are getting it!! So , out come the snuggle winter PJ's, singlets and socks on their feet with some Vics and they are set for a good night!!
Me , on the other hand, I have had a few weeks of constant headaches, terrible ones, and a few have turned into full blown Migraines. The ones that make you physically ill, sensitive and intolerance to light, and generally awful. AND , I have been trying to continue on with the kids, and not call Noel home, I must admit though, I was super close one day. Instead , I hung on until he was home, and the babies were in bed, and I headed there myself.
I got them with my last pregnancy, and just expected it was an overload of hormones from a twin pregnancy, however, I must of been wrong.
We have 2 walking babies now. Toddlers , I should say!! They are soooo adorable , toddling their way around. Lacey mastered the art first, even though her big brother (by 2 whole minutes) has been steadier on his feet for longer, she was much more determined! It wasn't long before Max followed suit, and they are just so cute!!
Perfect timing for a few days with Grandma!!
Yep, you read right, Noel and I are off on a child free break, for the first time in years.
I havent' spoken about it until now, for the simple reason, to be honest , that I am not actually looking forward to it at all. Leaving my kids, is going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do. Stella has had all over 5 sleepovers at my Mums and most of them was when I was in hospital having the twins!!
Max and Lacey, have never slept anywhere but home , and have only been babysat without us 3 times.
They will be fine, and there is no one I feel more comfortable and confident leaving my pride and joys with, than my Mum!! They will be kissed and cuddled to within an inch of their lives, just the way I do, and Stella will love it! Its me, I am the sook, and I will be very upset, but I know we need this. I need this!!
The pregnancy has taken its toll on me already, the sickness, the headaches, the tiredness, and all while caring for 2 very energetic and adventurous little 10-12 months old babies and a 3 year old.
We won't get this opportunity again, and we are really going to love it, I know we will. I will keep telling myself that!! haha
Where are we going? Bali of course!!! 3 nights stay in Bali (costing the same price as a week , but I can NOT leave my little darlings for any longer so Noel took what he could get!!)
I am going to SLEEP, and rest, and get massages (my pelvis and lower back is playing up and the Dr has given instructions to rest alot , yeah right, or it will be bed rest for the last stint of my pregnancy!) shopping of course, and day spas!! Jealous? Sounds devine, pity I have been crying at the thought of going!! Toughen up Liz!!
But, seriously, how amazing is my Mum!! Its no easy task taking care of my children, Solo, as Dad is busy working all the time, but she didn't bat an eyelid!! She will need a serious sleep when we get home, but I seriously have the best Mum in the world! Don't know what I would do without her, she is my best friend, my strength , everything!! LOVE you Mum!!
What else? Well , together with 3 other amazing, talented and strong ladies, all mothers of Multiples, we organised and held the AMBAWA State Seminar in Geraldton. (Australian Multiple Birth Association)
The weekend was fantastic!! The Guest Speakers were fantastic and I learnt so , so much!! We did a mini First Aid course with St Johns Ambulance, and I feel awesome knowing that if something happened to my family or kids, I would know what to do, so important I think! A Naturopath, I learnt so much about our bodies, the way they work, what they need and how to get it, and we did a session of Body Balance ( mix of the best of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) . I feel empowered and so satisfied with my weekend, and I got to spend some time, with other Mums in the same position and it was a blast!!
We have just been busy, birthday parties galore to attend, playdates, recovering from sickness and planning of events has left me and the fam a bit under the weather, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. And boy do I love seeing that light!!
Lastly, did you know this is my 149th post!! You know what that means right? A hellova lot of dribble!! YES!! But also, the next post is my 150th!! I think that this, along with my childfree , babymoon before Bub #4 arrives, are cause for due celebration, and there should be a little giveaway!! Stay tuned for the next installment in the life of Liz and co, and you could be a WINNER!!
And Just cos he is he cutest little boy in the world!!
The kids have all had the sniffles and constant running noses of late. Easy with Stella, Some Demazin and Eucy Bear Rub on her feet and chest and it disappears in a few days. Max and Lacey however, are a different story! You can't give them as much, and they aren't as open to having their noses blown or wiped!!
Gosh they look cute all rugged up at the moment!! I know its not freezing, but there is a certain chill in the air, and I'll be damned if my kids are getting it!! So , out come the snuggle winter PJ's, singlets and socks on their feet with some Vics and they are set for a good night!!
Me , on the other hand, I have had a few weeks of constant headaches, terrible ones, and a few have turned into full blown Migraines. The ones that make you physically ill, sensitive and intolerance to light, and generally awful. AND , I have been trying to continue on with the kids, and not call Noel home, I must admit though, I was super close one day. Instead , I hung on until he was home, and the babies were in bed, and I headed there myself.
I got them with my last pregnancy, and just expected it was an overload of hormones from a twin pregnancy, however, I must of been wrong.
We have 2 walking babies now. Toddlers , I should say!! They are soooo adorable , toddling their way around. Lacey mastered the art first, even though her big brother (by 2 whole minutes) has been steadier on his feet for longer, she was much more determined! It wasn't long before Max followed suit, and they are just so cute!!
Perfect timing for a few days with Grandma!!
Yep, you read right, Noel and I are off on a child free break, for the first time in years.
I havent' spoken about it until now, for the simple reason, to be honest , that I am not actually looking forward to it at all. Leaving my kids, is going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do. Stella has had all over 5 sleepovers at my Mums and most of them was when I was in hospital having the twins!!
Max and Lacey, have never slept anywhere but home , and have only been babysat without us 3 times.
They will be fine, and there is no one I feel more comfortable and confident leaving my pride and joys with, than my Mum!! They will be kissed and cuddled to within an inch of their lives, just the way I do, and Stella will love it! Its me, I am the sook, and I will be very upset, but I know we need this. I need this!!
The pregnancy has taken its toll on me already, the sickness, the headaches, the tiredness, and all while caring for 2 very energetic and adventurous little 10-12 months old babies and a 3 year old.
We won't get this opportunity again, and we are really going to love it, I know we will. I will keep telling myself that!! haha
Where are we going? Bali of course!!! 3 nights stay in Bali (costing the same price as a week , but I can NOT leave my little darlings for any longer so Noel took what he could get!!)
I am going to SLEEP, and rest, and get massages (my pelvis and lower back is playing up and the Dr has given instructions to rest alot , yeah right, or it will be bed rest for the last stint of my pregnancy!) shopping of course, and day spas!! Jealous? Sounds devine, pity I have been crying at the thought of going!! Toughen up Liz!!
But, seriously, how amazing is my Mum!! Its no easy task taking care of my children, Solo, as Dad is busy working all the time, but she didn't bat an eyelid!! She will need a serious sleep when we get home, but I seriously have the best Mum in the world! Don't know what I would do without her, she is my best friend, my strength , everything!! LOVE you Mum!!
What else? Well , together with 3 other amazing, talented and strong ladies, all mothers of Multiples, we organised and held the AMBAWA State Seminar in Geraldton. (Australian Multiple Birth Association)
The weekend was fantastic!! The Guest Speakers were fantastic and I learnt so , so much!! We did a mini First Aid course with St Johns Ambulance, and I feel awesome knowing that if something happened to my family or kids, I would know what to do, so important I think! A Naturopath, I learnt so much about our bodies, the way they work, what they need and how to get it, and we did a session of Body Balance ( mix of the best of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) . I feel empowered and so satisfied with my weekend, and I got to spend some time, with other Mums in the same position and it was a blast!!
We have just been busy, birthday parties galore to attend, playdates, recovering from sickness and planning of events has left me and the fam a bit under the weather, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. And boy do I love seeing that light!!
Lastly, did you know this is my 149th post!! You know what that means right? A hellova lot of dribble!! YES!! But also, the next post is my 150th!! I think that this, along with my childfree , babymoon before Bub #4 arrives, are cause for due celebration, and there should be a little giveaway!! Stay tuned for the next installment in the life of Liz and co, and you could be a WINNER!!
And Just cos he is he cutest little boy in the world!!
Somewhere over the Rainbow, there was a party........
Better late than never I say! That is my motto for pretty much everything at the moment! Lol.
The theme for Max and Lacey's First Birthday this year was a hard one to choose, with a combined sex party, nothing can be all blue, and the same for pink. So I decided to go with a Rainbow theme, so any colour went and I didn't descriminate!!
The day went off without a hitch, or well , just the usual tanti's, tiffs over scooters and some serious playing and eating, and I believe that everyone had a great time, and the twins were absolutely spoilt rotten, with such amazing gifts from our beautiful friends. But that deserves another post altogether!
I think I will let the photos speak for themselves;
We want to thank everyone who attended, we had a ball, Max and Lacey did too. They are special , special little people, and their lives were well worth celebrating!
I am back from my break, with lots to share, now to get the time to do it!
The theme for Max and Lacey's First Birthday this year was a hard one to choose, with a combined sex party, nothing can be all blue, and the same for pink. So I decided to go with a Rainbow theme, so any colour went and I didn't descriminate!!
The day went off without a hitch, or well , just the usual tanti's, tiffs over scooters and some serious playing and eating, and I believe that everyone had a great time, and the twins were absolutely spoilt rotten, with such amazing gifts from our beautiful friends. But that deserves another post altogether!
I think I will let the photos speak for themselves;
![]() |
Our little family |
The bare table |
Rainbow cupcakes with rainbow flags |
Food |
The good stuff!! |
Mini hotdogs with bake at home rolls |
Rainbow jelly cups were an absolute hit! |
Max's Rainbow cake |
Lacey's Number one cake |
Waiting for the cake onslaught |
NB: Lacey is breaking off a whole side of the number one base, for her to munch on!! |
Evidence as shown |
Our family again, but cake was too good to miss |
Hows the mess!! |
I am back from my break, with lots to share, now to get the time to do it!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Now they are ONE!!
Last Friday (as in over a week ago) it was our precious babies First Birthday!!
To say I was excited was a massive understatement!! But I must admit, the emotions were running high, even going to bed the night before. A huge mix of different emotions and the feeling was ironic. Nothing like when Stella turned one!! We were just as excited, proud and joyous, however , when we sat down to wrap the presents, I sat and remembered what I had been feeling just 12 months before.
I remembered how nervous I was , as I packed the last few things into my hospital bag and got ready for my last sleep at home for a week, my last sleep at home as a family of 3, the last nights sleep of being so completely uncomfortable and in pain, and really, the last nights sleep for a while !! haha
I didn't get much sleep the night before , and even though Noel was snoring a fair bit, I don't think he did really either. How could you? Life as we knew it was about to change!! We were heading into a scheduled Ceasarean Section, with a fantastic surgeon and experienced Doctor at delivering twins, but there were still risks involved. As there always is. But we had 2 babies to worry about aswell.
Were they going to be ok?
Was my Gestational Diabetes going to cause any hassles?
Were they going to be the sex's we were told they were?
Were they going to be good weights and sizes?
Were they going to have difficulty breathing, feeding and be healthy?
All the normal things expectant mothers are thinking and so, so much more.
I don't think any of the twin stuff had really hit me until that night and the next morning.
As we said our goodbyes to our little girl, only 2 years old , and still our baby, and to my Mum who was taking care of her whilst we were "busy" , and drove the car out of the driveway, my eyes welled up and Noel and I just looked at each other.
What a different trip to the hospital than the last time we went to have a baby! Last time , with Stella, I was in labour and we managed to get every red light there was on the way there!! We didn't have time to think and everything was so exciting, and energised.
This time, we didn't speak a word.
The hospital was quiet, everyone still in bed ,as we had to be there at 6:30am. And then the preparations for surgery begun. In a few short hours, we were to meet the two little angels that had been inhabitating my tummy for the last 8 1/2 months. The one that moved liked crazy all the time and liked to scrape around with his foot (Max) and the one that liked to sleep and got pushed around and kicked by her brother (Lacey).
I am going to share a few photos with you that have never really seen the light of day!! Why you say? I am not really a fan of the not so glamourous C-Sect photos, especially my own, and to be honest, I hadn't even seen them myself until the twins were 8 months old. They were on our Point and shoot camera, and I hadn't plugged it into the computer for such a long time!!
Warning: they are not nice, they are not pretty but they tell a story that I can not, and they still bring a tear to my eye every time I see them!
I honestly feel honoured to be blessed with carrying twins. The experience was amazing, feeling them grow and kick inside my tummy was bizarre and remarkable at the same time. Being about to nuture and love 2 precious bundles at the same time , truely lucky.
I often wondered when pregnant with them, how the love I had for Stella, which was so strong, a ture mothers adoring love, could stretch for another child, let alone 2, yet, within an instant of their birth, I loved them too! More than anyone could ever explain.
So on this very special day, Mothers Day, I contemplate my love for my children. Unconditional, obsessive and complete adoration for the little beings we have created. It is truely the BEST job in the world, and I am so lucky to have 3 of the most gorgeous children, and have been blessed with this wonderful job of motherhood!!
I hope all the Mothers out there had a fantastic day, spent time with loved ones and took time out to reflect on the reason why this day is celebrated, how lucky are we?!
To say I was excited was a massive understatement!! But I must admit, the emotions were running high, even going to bed the night before. A huge mix of different emotions and the feeling was ironic. Nothing like when Stella turned one!! We were just as excited, proud and joyous, however , when we sat down to wrap the presents, I sat and remembered what I had been feeling just 12 months before.
I remembered how nervous I was , as I packed the last few things into my hospital bag and got ready for my last sleep at home for a week, my last sleep at home as a family of 3, the last nights sleep of being so completely uncomfortable and in pain, and really, the last nights sleep for a while !! haha
I didn't get much sleep the night before , and even though Noel was snoring a fair bit, I don't think he did really either. How could you? Life as we knew it was about to change!! We were heading into a scheduled Ceasarean Section, with a fantastic surgeon and experienced Doctor at delivering twins, but there were still risks involved. As there always is. But we had 2 babies to worry about aswell.
Were they going to be ok?
Was my Gestational Diabetes going to cause any hassles?
Were they going to be the sex's we were told they were?
Were they going to be good weights and sizes?
Were they going to have difficulty breathing, feeding and be healthy?
All the normal things expectant mothers are thinking and so, so much more.
I don't think any of the twin stuff had really hit me until that night and the next morning.
As we said our goodbyes to our little girl, only 2 years old , and still our baby, and to my Mum who was taking care of her whilst we were "busy" , and drove the car out of the driveway, my eyes welled up and Noel and I just looked at each other.
What a different trip to the hospital than the last time we went to have a baby! Last time , with Stella, I was in labour and we managed to get every red light there was on the way there!! We didn't have time to think and everything was so exciting, and energised.
This time, we didn't speak a word.
The hospital was quiet, everyone still in bed ,as we had to be there at 6:30am. And then the preparations for surgery begun. In a few short hours, we were to meet the two little angels that had been inhabitating my tummy for the last 8 1/2 months. The one that moved liked crazy all the time and liked to scrape around with his foot (Max) and the one that liked to sleep and got pushed around and kicked by her brother (Lacey).
I am going to share a few photos with you that have never really seen the light of day!! Why you say? I am not really a fan of the not so glamourous C-Sect photos, especially my own, and to be honest, I hadn't even seen them myself until the twins were 8 months old. They were on our Point and shoot camera, and I hadn't plugged it into the computer for such a long time!!
Warning: they are not nice, they are not pretty but they tell a story that I can not, and they still bring a tear to my eye every time I see them!
Look at that tummy!! HUGE!! About to head into surgery! |
Sorry Max!! Not very descrete, but this is his first photo, he came out too quick for the nurse to get a good shot!! |
Precious Lacey Amelia |
Meeting our 2 beautiful babies |
The proudest Dad around, they look sooo tiny in his arms! |
And there they are. Delightful |
I honestly feel honoured to be blessed with carrying twins. The experience was amazing, feeling them grow and kick inside my tummy was bizarre and remarkable at the same time. Being about to nuture and love 2 precious bundles at the same time , truely lucky.
I often wondered when pregnant with them, how the love I had for Stella, which was so strong, a ture mothers adoring love, could stretch for another child, let alone 2, yet, within an instant of their birth, I loved them too! More than anyone could ever explain.
So on this very special day, Mothers Day, I contemplate my love for my children. Unconditional, obsessive and complete adoration for the little beings we have created. It is truely the BEST job in the world, and I am so lucky to have 3 of the most gorgeous children, and have been blessed with this wonderful job of motherhood!!
I hope all the Mothers out there had a fantastic day, spent time with loved ones and took time out to reflect on the reason why this day is celebrated, how lucky are we?!
And now they are 12 beautiful months old, and loving Easter Eggs on our camping trip!! |
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