
Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What a beautiful way to start the morning , it was only 9:45am but I thought I had deserved morning tea as our days start at the foul cheery time of 5am!! Check out my new gorgeous morning mug, a whopper and oh so gorgeous!

I got a chance to sit down and edit and look at pics taken on Sunday, Fathers Day, that we have had to call Daddy's Day, as Stella didn't know what father meant ( as if a 2 year old would!!)
We had a gorgeous day, brekkie at Noel's Parents, lunch at home with an afternoon siesta and dinner with my parents!! Couldn't have been better! It was a beautiful day , for a beautiful Dad. I am so lucky to have an amazing partner to share our parenting journey with, and the kids are so lucky to have such a caring, hands on and dedicated Dad. Love you babe xoxo
Here is a pic of my beautiful people
And yes, Lacey is always very serious!! haha

Now , remember the gold photo frame, it actually was the home for years of a ball photo of my girl friends and I, well needless to say, it is well dated now and needed the flick ( in the memory box of course!) and so I had plans for it!
No rubbing back or prepping necessary done, just a simple can of matte White spray paint and bobs your uncle!!

And yes, that is my bird bath it is resting on, I am not one to prepare things, call me a bull at a gate!! I also sprayed a Letter M aswell, but you can choose whatever letter you like, or mulitple
Then the backing board was sprayed with spray adhesive, and lined with a gorgeous fabric of choice,  then sprayed the back of the letter and placed onto fabric, with a weight on the top and left to dry.

Finally I distressed some of the edges with a bit of sandpaper and now it sits proudly by my front door, to welcome people with a big Morrison "M" cheer!!
Why not try something similar yourself?

To top off a great "Made it Monday",  and a fantastic home day ( I just love staying at home for the whole day, trackie pants and all) I got so much done!!
I whipped up this cool brooch for my gorgeous gal pals big 30th Birthday!! I hope she likes it, I know I do, but its always hard making things for others, but I thought it would be a nice addition to a plain top, nice beaded necklace or a bag. I also painted and made her a set of coasters, my first set, but the base didn't turn out quite right, so I will line them with felt and then show them to you! I really wanted to make her something special, she is a gorgeous friend, always there for you, and I treasure her ( and her medical knowledge ) so much ( I swear though she is getting sick of my SOS messages with a picture, with symptoms of whatever is wrong with my littlies!!)
So here is my scrappy flower brooch, inspired by my gorgeous sisters creations! She is starting a blog at the moment, so when it is finished I will post a link, she is so so creative!

Lastly, I whipped up another cushion today, this time with 2 lovely ruffles, my first attempt at ruffling, and I LOVE IT!! Will post a piccie tomorrow when the light is better! Now I have this spray painting, renovating bug, I find myself sitting and staring around the house as to what I can transform next!!
Stay tuned for more projects!


  1. Ooh thanks for all the lovely praise my lil sister *blush*, but the creative bug certainly has bitten you too my gorgeous sweetie xoxox Keep at it presh!

  2. Cool!! I love the 'M' idea!! :)...But isnt the 'm' backwards?? Cant I steel your idea?? I like it alot :)
    Love the brooch too....talented lady :)
    Im getting into this blogging thing!! hehe
    Love ya! xo


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x