
Friday, September 3, 2010

Projects a Happenin'

Hi all,
Just a quickie before the land of nod. A few pics of my last few days. I am in the middle of a few projects , with even more on the horizon, I have so many ideas , I just want to do them all NOW!!
First up, I have just recieved this gorgeous cushion I purchased off  Made It seller, so cute, and perfect for the twins nursery, with their owl/tree/bird theme!! Will post more contact details tomorrow!

I have returned to my old favourite hobby of beading!! Made a few gorgeous necklaces for myself .
With one to come out of these;

And something special is in store for this, it got a coat of paint today !

And this did too, white, how unusual, but actually , so did my hand :)

Stay tuned for the finished products inspired by fellow bloggers!!
Night all!


  1. Beading!!!!!!!!!!?? You Go girl!!!... Come on waiting for the finished products. Im so excited about what your gonna do with it all!! oooooooooooooooooooo.... :)

  2. you are one busy mumma!!! Can't wait to see what you're up to!! (I have no idea how to comment as with my name!!! Megan Cockerill x)

  3. Following back!! Thanks for your sweet comments, and you are busy!! I have been a totally junky lately, picking up picture frames at thrift stores to re-do. But now I have all these empty frames and I cant decide what to do!!! :-)

  4. My friend is getting married next year and I have big dreams of buying a plain photo album and covering it with fabric and beading so I can give it to her as a gift.

    I've never done beading before but I have just under a year.

    I might be coming to you for advice, Liz ...

  5. Hi Liz! That new cushion of yours is SO cute!!! Love it! I'm looking forward to seeing your new projects. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. You made my day!

    Sheree xx

  6. Thanks for visiting guys and I am always here for advice, but I am lukcy to have you guys to inspire me!!


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x