
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This Rollercoaster thing we call LIFE!!

Do you ever get the feeling that life is just like a rollercoaster, the ups and downs are constant, but it never seems to want to stop!! Well life really is "Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" !!
Well mine seems that way anyway! Just when I think things are smoothing out and getting better, BAM, take that Liz!
I am feeling very much disappointed today. Quite a few things have happened in the last few days that have made me second guess myself, where or what I have done to deserve all this bad luck and the morals of some. BUT.... I do believe everything happens for a reason, and something great is going to eventuate, I just know it!! ( Keep telling yourself that Liz!)
However..... we had a great day today, apart from Max crying most of the day ( I am suspecting an ear and eye infection so will attempt to get a Doctors appointment for tomorrow). We actually stayed home for a whole day, Stella was still in her "suit" when her dad got home from work, and she loved every minute of it! ( she says to me "my warm, My got my suit on!" So CUTE!
Max had his first Milk arrowroot biccie today. A bit early I know, but the Paed told me to introduce solids at 4 months, and I was clutching at straws to make him happy today! Hard , hard work.

And here is a piccie of our gorgeous babies having tummy time together! So cute, and they are looking at each other these days and smiling and grab each others hands when laying side by side!. How strong are they getting, and how shiny is big boy Max's dome!! haha

And there is no show without punch, Stella had to join in (thats her suit, telly tubby hey?!). So here are our 3 babies, aren't we lucky?

 Now this is what life is all about, and thats what makes it all worth it, they ARE our ups, and the downs are all made easier by them.
Thanks for reading xo


  1. ah yes, the milk arrowroot biccie, is there anything better? I think not!!!!

  2. They look so lovely, you must be so proud. I miss milk arrowroot biscuits, we don't get them over here. I'm visiting Perth in April and I'm heading right for a pack of milk arrowroot and a cherry ripe when I get off the plane!

  3. Awww....Max with a biccie already :( He is growing up too fast.... but oh how i love them all on the mat ;) Soooo GORGEOUS!!! Big kisses from Jess!!


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x