
Monday, December 24, 2012

An Elf Goodbye

Unfortunately , for everyone in our home, today is the last day we have Alfie to share the festivities with.
Its amazing how one little Elf and his antics have brought so much joy and laughter to our Christmas Preparation. Hubby and I have enjoyed finding new things for him to do and new mischief for him to create, and the kids have had a ball searching for him each morning and absorbing the magic of it all.

Goodbyes are never easy, especially when you are 2 and 4 years , so I knew we had to make it as easy and smooth as possible.

So in our home, Alfie our Elf, will be catching a lift to the North Pole with Father Christmas tonight, when he visits our home. As a final goodbye, thank you and as an explanation, last night we set Alfie up on the coffee table near the Christmas tree.

He had a letter , and a bag of goodies.
The letter (that I made myself but can make it available for those who wish to use it, just email me and I'll send it through)  thanks the kids for having him stay, lets them know that they have been good boys and girls and also that he has left a set of pyjamas for tonight as a token of his appreciation.
We have given the kids a set of PJ's on Christmas Eve , ever since we have been parents, but this seems like the way to go from now on.

They were all so excited to open the bag with their pyjamas and also to see they had received a letter from Alfie.

Hopefully, if they are good, he can return next year too!!

I'll be back later today with some Christmas crafts for the kiddos but for now, have you planned your Elf's exit ?? What is happening at your home?

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