
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Flash Cards

After quite a few messages from readers about the flash cards that we use (they have been pictured in past posts like HERE) I thought I would try and cover all bases with a details post on the flashcards that I have made up for our children, mostly Stella, using free printables.

Stella has just completed Kindergarten, which in Western Australia , is a 4-5 year old class, 2.5 - 3 full days a week ( Stella went 3 days ,and that was more than enough!!). Next year she will go to Pre Primary, which is 5 days a week (booooo) , then the following year go into Year 1 (eeek!!) . Our Kindy and Pre Primary is on school premises and they use the school library etc.

Since the beginning of the year when Stella started to learn to read and write at school, she has had such an eagerness to learn. Its amazing and I really wanted to harness it. Definitely not push, or force her to do anything she didn't want to, but when she asked for a pencil and paper and "Mummy ,how do I write ....." I wanted to have tools on hand to help out the situation.

So that is where Flash Cards help. There are so many out there in the cyber world, mostly free printable and all it takes is a bit of printing and laminating (if you so wish.)
I am also very lucky to have some gorgeous and very clever friends and fellow Mums , who share my passion for nurturing our children and wanting to help them in the same way. These ladies share their links and finds , have awesome ideas and are a constant source of inspiration for me. Its so refreshing and I feel very blessed.
Right, now down to the important details. Here are the flash cards and tools we are currently using;

Firstly, one of the said gorgeous friends discovered this cool site where you can copy and past different letters and create your own worksheets or flashcards. So I set about to making Stella a set that I thought she may use frequently. We store them in a re purposed plastic zip up case, and they are easily accessible,  

The cards I made for Stella are Months of the Year, days of the week and family members names.
You just copy the letter, paste it into a word document and create the words you wish.

And then I added in a few commonly used words, especially for this time of year, like 'To' and 'From' etc.
I love how the letters have arrows to indicate where to start writing and that you are able to create whatever words you want/need. You can find this program HERE

These next cards are more for Max and Lacey and of course Angus in the very near future when he is learning his animals and the sounds they make etc. I like how simple the pictures are and they are great for picture/animal to word recognition. Plus the compact size is great for travel and storage , and I just backed each card with some nice card stock before laminating.

You can find the Animal flash cards HERE

These gorgeous Ladybug counting cards are cute as and are available in different styles from HERE

Kerina from Living on A Latte has also made a gorgeous Counting book, available HERE. Its on my "to Print" list actually!

These Alphabet flash cards were fantastic when Stella was writing out her Christmas cards to her school friends. Especially with tricky letters like M and N.

You can find them HERE
I also backed these with pretty card stock, makes them a little more interesting.

And we have started on Sight words at home as well. I found this printable HERE but there are hundreds on the net, just google Sight words and you will find out. I love that when cards are laminated, punched and put on a ring , that you can take them off and on as you please. We are about to take a few each week, place them on the fridge , toilet door etc , until Stella is familiar with them , then move on to new ones.

Some basic shape flashcards, are great when kids are learning how to draw. For instance, at the moment Stella is progressing from just a circle with legs and a head etc for a person , to wanting to draw clothing. These shapes make it easier for her, like the triangle for a dress, the rectangle for a shirt etc.
Available from HERE

As an addition to the Flash cards, I also picked up a set of these cards whilst in the big smoke and at a Big W.  They are fantastic at practising writing, and also come as a number set, complete with a dry erase marker too!!

All of the cards and tools are kept in a small basket on a bookcase in our living area. Accessible and convenient is the key. In the new year, when thing settle down a bit , I am going to set up a fabulous Writing Workshop like Bianca from a little delightful did HERE. Love this idea!!

Missing from this post is also another Bianca idea (the clever lady is full of them!) and that is her Colour Cards. To be honest, ours have been used and used and are a little worse for wear and need to be replaced, but you can find them HERE.

We have been using this Alphabet Poster as a name reference etc, and I love the pictures , too cute. You can find it HERE

This is a simple printing practice sheet that I got from Stella's teacher and laminated. She can use a whiteboard marker on it and we can wipe off and do it again. I am sure if you asked your childs teacher for something similar they would oblige.

We have a little collection of work mats that Stella often uses and works from. Any resource is a good one in my opinion.

And finally, these Dry Erase books by Crayola (similar to the cards) are nice and simple and of course, reusable. There are different types you can get and I found this in Target , but I am sure any good department store would stock them .
Maybe something to add to the Stocking for Christmas?

Hmm I think that is it for now, as I said, there are so many wonderful and FREE resources available, its just a matter of finding the one to suit you and your child and the activities you wish to do with them.
I hope this has helped you a bit, and that your printer and laminater isn't going to hate me too much !!
Enjoy .


  1. These are great Liz. My daughter just finished year 1 (WA) and what she has learnt in the past 3 years is so far advanced when compared with what my son was expected to achieve at the same age (he just finished year 7 - high school next year!) - at the end of pre-primary he was expected to be able to write his first name & count to 20. In his class of 26 kids, only 2 could read. How time change :)

  2. Thankyou so much for sharing all these fabulous resources! As we live so remotely in WA im so greatful to all the lovely bloggers inspiration and ideas, easy to print at home for the kids!
    Thanks again,

  3. I have a question, how do you laminate them? I know that seems weird, but when i try as soon as i cut it, it comes undone? I use a A4 laminater?


Thankyou for taking the time to read and more importantly comment on my blog. They are all so appreciated! Liz x