I've got news, like BIG news. Nothing like the "I am pregnant...... with twins" bombshell we dropped on everyone but equally as earth shaking and life changing kinda news.
Lets start at the very beginning (which is a very good place to start). On the 16th January 2006 at 9 am, the doors of my beloved Tresses For Hair opened for the first time. Together with Noel ( Who took holidays for my first week) , we sailed ship on Tresses Maiden voyage, none the wiser on how big and busy my dream salon would become.
There I was, a few months shy of my 21st Birthday , embarking on the biggest journey and rollercoaster ride of my life (until the cherubs came along of course!!) I was diving head first and blind folded into unchartered waters and completely unaware and inexperienced at running a business. All I knew was that I loved what I did, was not afraid of hard work (and extremely hard work it was) and wanted to create a magical space of my own, to service clients the way I thought they should be, to have a salon look the way I wanted and pave a path for our future together.
I am proud to say , I did all these things and so much more!
Tresses grew beyond my wildest dreams, at one stage we had 7 staff members, and it all happened so quickly, but it all fell into place, like it was meant to be.
It hasn't come without its heartaches, disappointments and stresses. Mostly due to staffing related issues, you can never trust people the way you thing you can, (lesson learnt the hard way) and I worked 15 hour days, like a trojan, to get my salon of the ground, even until the night I went into labour with Stella!!
It has caused Noel and I some issues, as does anything that puts pressure on you relationship, I remember at one point him saying to me "you have to come home at some point Liz, I married you to be with you, not for you to be at work all the time" or he would just come in so that he could at least spend time with me whilst I was working.
I have done peoples hair at 6 am, because I have been booked, at 9:30pm because I have been busy, but all in the name of the game.
I have loved EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of it, worked my butt off but now , 2 houses, 4 cars , and 3 precious kiddies later , priorities and life has changed.
The salon, once my baby and treasured for dear life, had to make way for 3 new babies , whom instantly forced their way into my life as my most prized possessions and THE most important things in my life.
They are the best thing I have ever done, by far, to become a mother, but the salon is too!!
I am proud of myself for what I have achieved and how far I have come. The salon has provided unconditional support for me and my family, but the time has come to pass the reins over to someone else!
A new, young, enthusiastic woman names Nikki (who already works at the salon) and her family , have bought the salon, effective as of the 28th Feb!!!
Its time to make the salon her life as I did mine.
On Sunday, when I pack the last of my things into my car, it will take all of my might, energy and self control to walk out of that amazing space , my salon, my baby, and leave the keys behind, knowing it is the end of my journey.
However I will take comfort in the fact that I am moving on to the best job in the world!! Being a full time mother to our amazing 3 kiddies.
I am going to take time out for myself for a change and do all the things I have always wanted , yet never could as a busy business owner and mother and blah blah blah. Too many hats to count!!
Its not the working that is the tiring and emotionally draining thing about owning a business. Its all the other things. The super, wages, tax, BAS, ordering , staffing , its all constant thinking and worrying and it has worn me down. It happens to the best of people but raising 3 kids , 2 years apart, it has finally got me!!
Trying to feed, nourish, and care for 2 tiny babies , in an utter sleep deprived state and then having staffing and business issues, would have to be one of the lowest points of my life. I may have covered it up well, but boy oh boy. That was hairy!!
Alas, I have survived, and I have come through with the realisation that life is short and the kids are only young once. Blink and you miss it and I would rather regret selling my salon, that regret missing out on them growing up.
Its not a goodbye but a see you soon, I say!!
When the kids are in school I would love to open another salon, and I might just go and get a job, you know , go to work, do some hair, have a chat, come home, but for now, I am having a break!! A well deserved one!! I am going to build blocks, play trains, change nappies and do the dancing and gym run!!
And for the future of my hairdressing? Who knows?! Rest assured you will be the first to know!
I wish the new owners all the very best, take care of her, and to my staff, past and present. THANKYOU!!
Thankyou for being you, for being hard workers , for making me love being your boss, and most of all for all the great times!!
And to my clients, thankyou for your continued support, for the beautiful friendships I have made and for welcoming me into your lives!! I couldnt have done it without you!