Stella had a sleep in with her Grandma and Poppy , in the endevour for us to get a sleep in (it didn't happen!!) so we started Sunday a bit slower than usual.
A scrummy breakfast made by DH, scrambled eggs on toast, then off to pick up the gorgeous girl.
We then decided to go down to the foreshore park for a family lunch as my parents also had my sisters 4 kids for a few nights over the weekend (Mum is a true legend and is always offering to give up her precious time on weekends for her grandchildren). Pizza and a play it was! Stella loved it!!
Then home for a photo shoot for my sisters Bread and Butter Factory goodies (all handmade hair accessories and decor) and an afternoon watching the footy (aka= feeding)
Just a few piccies of our every growing gorgeous babies!

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend, I certainly have, but they do go too quick! I love having Noel at home to help with the kids, takes the pressure off!
It sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day!