My super duper gorgeous friend sent me a message saying that our dinners are organised the for the next week (as I have sleepless, and have the cold too!! Actually, I'm thinking its tonsilitis!). What an amazing offer! BUT how guilty do I feel? But needless to say, all my objection didn't make a difference, I received an email with the list of dinner cooks and what we are having for the next week. She just told me to not take away the joy from someone for giving. Hmmm didn't do much for the guilt but we appreciate it alot nether the less!! Dinner time is certainly entertaining. Its Murphy's law that all babies will be unsettled during this peak hour, and we have 2 , so the dinners are making life so much easier!! I did cook and freeze alot, but 6 weeks down the track and our stocks are looking dismal! My super gorgeous friend is the best anyone could ask for, and she is in Perth now, and I miss her like crazy, but she is never too far away to help, thats a real friend for you!!
Now onto our crazy cupcakes. In a desperate attempt to increase the snacks in our house and avoid a trip to the supermarket in the next day or so, we baked today. Its a great way to entertain Stella, get some quality time with her and wear her out a little.

So after the back and a whole lot of flour ending up everywhere in my kitchen, she was allowed to make her own icing and decorate her cupcakes. She had asked for green icing, and I figured it was just a word to her as she sometimes gets colours mixed up, but no, showing her the food colouring, she picked out green straight away, so that is was.

Then the sprinkles, boy did the end up everywhere too!! Anywhoooo she had ball, ended up with stuff all over her and proceeded to eat the icing and topping and not the cake, but hey, isn't a childs institution?!

enjoy you Sunday, its an amazing day here, and we have lots on the agenda, whether we get it done or not is another thing!! Gee babies are time wasters, lucky they are well and truely worth it!
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