I have a gorgeous family, and such beautiful , beautiful kids if I do say so myself!
I love my little people, more and more each day, and feel so blessed to have healthy , happy kids.
Our babies are growing so fast, and flourishing into their amazing and large personalities, and I look at them every day in awe. How lucky am I to be able to conceive a child/children , Let alone 2 at once, carry them inside for the length of time they need to grow all their little fingers, hairs, eyelashes, nostrils , all the gorgeous little things I kiss on a day to day basis. Being a Mum is truely the best gift a woman is given in life and I love the job so so much.
Stella, well , her larger than life personality is infectious and I seriously have not met a more interesting, homical or happier child in my life!! She is so knowledgable, and constantly astounds me with her mind! Today we made an African Savana on a small coffee table, with a table cloth for the sand, complete with a hill and river made of felt and a few pebbles from around the house, and her plastic aftrican animals. She calls it a 'Sabana' but by golly gosh, she is only just 2!!
And my husband, hmmm as I have said, I could not have found a more hardworking, adorable man if I had tried.
I am complete.
I hope whoever is out there reading, takes the time to stop and think about their lives, and appreciate what you have got for a change, instead of always wanting more, or thinking the worst, the negative!
Sorry but it was time for a wake up call to myself, after all the negative thinking and horrible things that have happened and instead think postively, as My Mum always says, 'You have to put it out there Liz!'
I putting it out there alright!
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