Haven't blogged for a few days, I have been sewing actually. I have decided to have a stall at this weekends markets. In the old Goals Courtyard, its all handmade stuff and I'm looking forward to it. Everyone is stressing about me doing it, saying I am putting pressure on myself, but they should know be now, that I work better like that and I figure its a good way to make myself sit down for 3 hours and read or something until a potential customer comes along. If I was at home, I would be cooking, cleaning or rearranging something, Or weeding my garden, which I did get told off by Mumsie for doing! What I am not doing is stressing myself about getting things done, but I have a bit in my sewing den that is cut out and just not whipped up, like burp cloths and cloth wipes, and I am making a few owls, they are cut out just need to be put together! So if you want me, thats where I will be , Bill Sewell from 9-12!
Saturday is looking to be a big one too!! My little cousin is getting married! Yay, and I have to say that I am more than relieved to be still going pregnant and strong as I did not want to miss her getting married. Not to mention the fact that I am doing her hair!! I can't wait, I am looking forward to getting back into the salon, even if for a few hours, and creating something! What I am going to wear is a drama in itself atm, a sarong to wrap around my gigantic stomach?! argh!
Speaking of the salon, we have been nominated for a Business Excellence Award from the Chamber of Commerce in Geraldton, and the submissions are due tomorrow! I am more than thankful that my mum is a computer and literacy wiz, as the submission and portfolio is a massive task, pages and pages of things you have to answer and write and it has to be in the right manner. They even hold workshops as to how to make your submission!! A bit ridiculous really, as I think its just to narrow down the feild so they have less to choose from as I am sure there are businesses that wouldn't bother doing it. But thankyou so much Mum, what would I do with out you?
As part of the portfolio I had to taek some pics of the salon, so here are a few!

Well the ultrasound went well on Tuesday, apart from the fact we found out the babies are lying across my tummy, not up and down like they should be, so we are hoping they are going to move or rotate sometime soon. We have been massaging my tummy at night time to try and get them to roll in that direction, whether it works or not, remains to be seen, but we have to try something, I really don't want a c-sect!! They babes are a really decent size by their scan, not that its definate but its reassuring. 5lb 8 and 6lb 5 , not bad at 34 weeks!!
Off to Gyno today, hopefully she has good news, maybe they turned over night!!
Before I head off, a huge thankyou to my followers, how awesome! I originally thought I would be talking to myself, which is totally fine by me, but now I have people that are listening! So thankyou, and hello to the English crew!!
I am learning about this blogging thing everyday, and its actually quite addictive!!
A little pic of princess in the outfit I made her the other day, just the skirt and top, and my niece got a skirt to match, think they both thought they were pretty cool!!

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