I purhaps shouldn't have spoke to soon on Friday about looking forward to 2 days as a family and having help from Noel, because no more than 2 hrs later he came home, only to tell me he was working on Saturday! ARGHHH!! Serves me right for getting my hopes up! Can't complain really as its all money in the bank, but still it was an argh!
Needless to say the shopping needed to be done, and I was the one to do it, and as my help for the morning fell through, I was left to do it on my own. 2 weeks ago when I did the food shop it really didn't bother me, and how pathetic do you think I feel when I say "I think I need help to buy food" haha sad sad case of affairs at this househole. But in 2 weeks I rekon the babies have doubled in size and weight and I no longer can walk like a normal human being! I did it though, a trolley very full (having put it off for too long) , we now have food in our house, much to my DH delight! However it did take me nearly 2 hrs!! haha Slowly I sauntered down the isles,with Stella happily eating and drawing, and when I reached the checkout, and started to load my stuff onto the belt, a very good client and now friend who works at the supermarket came up and started loading my things for me, then she put the bags in the trolley and was even going to push it to the car!! How sweet!! I did assure her however that I could do it myself, but thankyou so much, she is such a sweety! I rekon she would have come home with me to pack it away if she could have! Then we had a mishap in the carpark, all which nearly brought a very emotional Liz to tears, pathetic I tell ya. But this is where my faith in humanity is restorted, a lovely lady driving past to exit the carpark stopped her car, in the middle of the road with traffic behind her to ask me if I needed help and ran to my aid!! Ohhhh how gorgeous! See there are still kind, helpful people out there, not ones that just stare at people and thing to themselves "Gee, she must be about to pop" or "There is one whopper baby in there"
I went out for tea on Saturday night with a dear friend who is visiting from Sydney and a group of girls, the food and company was beautiful and it was a nice way to end a ARGH day!
Sunday, Noel , my DH, went in the annual Ocean Mile Swim, to which he came in at 17th position, and first male for his age group 25-30 yo. Oh how proud was I!! Haha
He was pretty happy with his result and I was astounded really, but not surprised as he is a natural swimmer, a true fish, but had not even got in the water to swim even a single lap for over 2 months and here he was , one Sunday morning, going to swim 1600m in the open Ocean! Crazy I tell ya!! And what makes it even more disgusting for us non swimmers, is he wasn't even sore last night or today. When we got home from the beach he was in his arms , and they were purple from Lactic Acid but I gave him a rub, a little nanna nap with Stella at lunch and he was good as gold! Legend!
Saturday arvo I did take precious out the front for a few shots, he dress was just too cute and I had to capture her playfullness with a scrap bit of ribbon she found in my den! Plus the weather was amazing!!

Today has been great, Dr appt this morning, I have baked a cake and double choc muffins for the salon, and a slow cooker of Chicken casserole is now filling my house with the most amazing smell, bring on Dinner time!!
Hope your weekends were as good as mine!!
Oooh, she is adorable! Super cute dress, did you make it?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you are baking & shopping with twins about to pop! I can barely get it together to shop on a normal day!
ohh thanks, we think she is too!! No didnt make the dress, wish I could, one day I will attempt something a little left of centre though!
ReplyDeleteYep, life is busy, but thats the way I like it, bring on the twins I say!!
And thanks for commenting!