Just a quickie this morning as I am hoping it is one of the last days Stella free before the twins come, and as you can imagine, I have a hell of a lot of running around to do!!
Check out my new blog banner!! The very talented Kylie Latham, in Geraldton, created it for me, and it is perfect!! I love everything about it, colours, font , OWLS etc!!
She is also doing some business cards for me too, and I am even going to get her to design a new logo for the salon!! I am addicted!!
Bizzy Dayz has taken off, and I now sell more than I can sew, which is obviously a good thing, but for a hobby , its busy!
So a HUGE thankyou to Kylie at Personally Posh, you can find her on her Facebook page
So be sure to fan her and check out her creative work!!
Off to run around like a chook with my head cut off. Blood tests, CTG's, Interview with the Chamber of Commerce!! Yep, you heard me, Tresses is shortlisted for the business award so I am off for a panel interview this afternoon. Talk about putting someone into labour!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Insomia, and for my T!
You guessed it!! Just when everyone thought I can't sleep any less than I do already, the insomnia really sets in. I usually go to bed at around 11-12ish and get up around 6ish and thats never been a problem for me, I am not the type of person, fortunately , that needs oodles of sleep but its getting ridiculous!! I was starting to lie there for hours (as I can't toss and turn anymore) and it was so uncomfortable and I was only getting a few hours sleep. Well........Now I have a solution, go to bed later!!
So now I go to bed around 2:30 ish and sleep solidly til 6! Not a hell of a lot, but enough to scrape by , and at least the sleep is unbroken! So i wil trial that for a few days. I know people say its the babies preparing me for what is to come, but it would help if I could roll over when sleeping, instead of having to wake Noel to give me a push!! yepp, sad!
What do I do til 2:30 you say? Sew of course!! A few of the night owl creations!

TGIF if you ask me! Not that the days matter to me atm, apart from Dr's appts and the salon! Gosh I miss that place and my lovely people there, but I am trying to stay away because a quick drop in becomes an hour or 2 and I know i should be doing the 100 things on my "Before the twins come list"
Stella starts swimming lessons tomorrow , which she is so excited about, and I made them on a Saturday so that Noel could take her, something special for them.
Tomorrow is also our wedding anniversary, and yes, I remembered this year and I remember its 5 years (I get in trouble all the time from DH for forgetting how long its been) and gosh its gone fast, and I still love him to bits, more everyday actually, so we are one of the lucky couples I'd say! xo
As mentioned in title, this post is for my T. When I started the blog, it was for my own sanity, as I love to talk and write, but I'm terrible at penmanship, and never did I think I would have avid readers. He informed me the other day he check 2 times for a post, and I didnt do one, then when he checked it hours later, he had missed it by 45 mins, haha he was devo!! Ohh what a sweety!! Thanks for reading precious , you are a beautiful boy, but it is a little strange you care about your boss, you know you are supposed to hate me right?!
Hope everyone had a relaxing Friday night, a few vinos or watched the footy!
So now I go to bed around 2:30 ish and sleep solidly til 6! Not a hell of a lot, but enough to scrape by , and at least the sleep is unbroken! So i wil trial that for a few days. I know people say its the babies preparing me for what is to come, but it would help if I could roll over when sleeping, instead of having to wake Noel to give me a push!! yepp, sad!
What do I do til 2:30 you say? Sew of course!! A few of the night owl creations!

TGIF if you ask me! Not that the days matter to me atm, apart from Dr's appts and the salon! Gosh I miss that place and my lovely people there, but I am trying to stay away because a quick drop in becomes an hour or 2 and I know i should be doing the 100 things on my "Before the twins come list"
Stella starts swimming lessons tomorrow , which she is so excited about, and I made them on a Saturday so that Noel could take her, something special for them.
Tomorrow is also our wedding anniversary, and yes, I remembered this year and I remember its 5 years (I get in trouble all the time from DH for forgetting how long its been) and gosh its gone fast, and I still love him to bits, more everyday actually, so we are one of the lucky couples I'd say! xo
As mentioned in title, this post is for my T. When I started the blog, it was for my own sanity, as I love to talk and write, but I'm terrible at penmanship, and never did I think I would have avid readers. He informed me the other day he check 2 times for a post, and I didnt do one, then when he checked it hours later, he had missed it by 45 mins, haha he was devo!! Ohh what a sweety!! Thanks for reading precious , you are a beautiful boy, but it is a little strange you care about your boss, you know you are supposed to hate me right?!
Hope everyone had a relaxing Friday night, a few vinos or watched the footy!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Faith in Humanity
Mondayitis at its worst for some I would think, what a glorious weekend we had in Gero!!
I purhaps shouldn't have spoke to soon on Friday about looking forward to 2 days as a family and having help from Noel, because no more than 2 hrs later he came home, only to tell me he was working on Saturday! ARGHHH!! Serves me right for getting my hopes up! Can't complain really as its all money in the bank, but still it was an argh!
Needless to say the shopping needed to be done, and I was the one to do it, and as my help for the morning fell through, I was left to do it on my own. 2 weeks ago when I did the food shop it really didn't bother me, and how pathetic do you think I feel when I say "I think I need help to buy food" haha sad sad case of affairs at this househole. But in 2 weeks I rekon the babies have doubled in size and weight and I no longer can walk like a normal human being! I did it though, a trolley very full (having put it off for too long) , we now have food in our house, much to my DH delight! However it did take me nearly 2 hrs!! haha Slowly I sauntered down the isles,with Stella happily eating and drawing, and when I reached the checkout, and started to load my stuff onto the belt, a very good client and now friend who works at the supermarket came up and started loading my things for me, then she put the bags in the trolley and was even going to push it to the car!! How sweet!! I did assure her however that I could do it myself, but thankyou so much, she is such a sweety! I rekon she would have come home with me to pack it away if she could have! Then we had a mishap in the carpark, all which nearly brought a very emotional Liz to tears, pathetic I tell ya. But this is where my faith in humanity is restorted, a lovely lady driving past to exit the carpark stopped her car, in the middle of the road with traffic behind her to ask me if I needed help and ran to my aid!! Ohhhh how gorgeous! See there are still kind, helpful people out there, not ones that just stare at people and thing to themselves "Gee, she must be about to pop" or "There is one whopper baby in there"
I went out for tea on Saturday night with a dear friend who is visiting from Sydney and a group of girls, the food and company was beautiful and it was a nice way to end a ARGH day!
Sunday, Noel , my DH, went in the annual Ocean Mile Swim, to which he came in at 17th position, and first male for his age group 25-30 yo. Oh how proud was I!! Haha
He was pretty happy with his result and I was astounded really, but not surprised as he is a natural swimmer, a true fish, but had not even got in the water to swim even a single lap for over 2 months and here he was , one Sunday morning, going to swim 1600m in the open Ocean! Crazy I tell ya!! And what makes it even more disgusting for us non swimmers, is he wasn't even sore last night or today. When we got home from the beach he was in his arms , and they were purple from Lactic Acid but I gave him a rub, a little nanna nap with Stella at lunch and he was good as gold! Legend!
Saturday arvo I did take precious out the front for a few shots, he dress was just too cute and I had to capture her playfullness with a scrap bit of ribbon she found in my den! Plus the weather was amazing!!

Today has been great, Dr appt this morning, I have baked a cake and double choc muffins for the salon, and a slow cooker of Chicken casserole is now filling my house with the most amazing smell, bring on Dinner time!!
Hope your weekends were as good as mine!!
I purhaps shouldn't have spoke to soon on Friday about looking forward to 2 days as a family and having help from Noel, because no more than 2 hrs later he came home, only to tell me he was working on Saturday! ARGHHH!! Serves me right for getting my hopes up! Can't complain really as its all money in the bank, but still it was an argh!
Needless to say the shopping needed to be done, and I was the one to do it, and as my help for the morning fell through, I was left to do it on my own. 2 weeks ago when I did the food shop it really didn't bother me, and how pathetic do you think I feel when I say "I think I need help to buy food" haha sad sad case of affairs at this househole. But in 2 weeks I rekon the babies have doubled in size and weight and I no longer can walk like a normal human being! I did it though, a trolley very full (having put it off for too long) , we now have food in our house, much to my DH delight! However it did take me nearly 2 hrs!! haha Slowly I sauntered down the isles,with Stella happily eating and drawing, and when I reached the checkout, and started to load my stuff onto the belt, a very good client and now friend who works at the supermarket came up and started loading my things for me, then she put the bags in the trolley and was even going to push it to the car!! How sweet!! I did assure her however that I could do it myself, but thankyou so much, she is such a sweety! I rekon she would have come home with me to pack it away if she could have! Then we had a mishap in the carpark, all which nearly brought a very emotional Liz to tears, pathetic I tell ya. But this is where my faith in humanity is restorted, a lovely lady driving past to exit the carpark stopped her car, in the middle of the road with traffic behind her to ask me if I needed help and ran to my aid!! Ohhhh how gorgeous! See there are still kind, helpful people out there, not ones that just stare at people and thing to themselves "Gee, she must be about to pop" or "There is one whopper baby in there"
I went out for tea on Saturday night with a dear friend who is visiting from Sydney and a group of girls, the food and company was beautiful and it was a nice way to end a ARGH day!
Sunday, Noel , my DH, went in the annual Ocean Mile Swim, to which he came in at 17th position, and first male for his age group 25-30 yo. Oh how proud was I!! Haha
He was pretty happy with his result and I was astounded really, but not surprised as he is a natural swimmer, a true fish, but had not even got in the water to swim even a single lap for over 2 months and here he was , one Sunday morning, going to swim 1600m in the open Ocean! Crazy I tell ya!! And what makes it even more disgusting for us non swimmers, is he wasn't even sore last night or today. When we got home from the beach he was in his arms , and they were purple from Lactic Acid but I gave him a rub, a little nanna nap with Stella at lunch and he was good as gold! Legend!
Saturday arvo I did take precious out the front for a few shots, he dress was just too cute and I had to capture her playfullness with a scrap bit of ribbon she found in my den! Plus the weather was amazing!!

Today has been great, Dr appt this morning, I have baked a cake and double choc muffins for the salon, and a slow cooker of Chicken casserole is now filling my house with the most amazing smell, bring on Dinner time!!
Hope your weekends were as good as mine!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ticking time Bomb!!
Its exactly the way I feel at the moment too!! Like I am a walking (waddling), ticking , time bomb and every twinge etc I think to myself "Is this it?!" Not because I want it over, but that would be nice, but more because I know it is very rare that twins last to the gestation, 35 weeks and 3 1/2 days, haha.
I have been feeling really good, and yes, everyone has been saying I have been doing too much but I haven't felt over done or anything but it is getting harder to sleep at night, I can hardly roll over it is that painful (my Pelvis is back to no good again and its amazing how much you use it to roll over at night, and put your undies on!!) and when you don't sleep at night, it makes for a hard day, and that is exactly what I have had today. Pretty much acheived not alot, which is a right old pain for me, I showered, hair, makeup, salon for check in, home, cooked muffins and thats it, blah. Getting off the couch is now a mission and a half, especially in a hurry when your 2 year old needs to go to the toilet, as when they need to go, they need to go!!
Not even any sewing today, I have the bug and urge but just can't do it.
Hopefully my DH will come home and give me a cuddle and a foot massage?! Someone out there give him a hint would ya?!
But TGIF! I can say that now that I am not working Saturdays atm, how nice it'll be to have 2 days together as a family!
Bring on next week I say, if I go walkabout, you know where to find me, St Johns Hospital Geraldton!!
Here's some new things I have been making, but as soon as I sew, they sell, which is the idea of course!

Skirt $15 Size 2-3

Skirt $15 Size 2-3

Wipes Pouch - $15 Fits a large nappy and wipes container for quick trips

Taggy Rug for Infant development and exploration with different textures/colours $13

Taggy Rug $13
Enjoy your Weekend!
I have been feeling really good, and yes, everyone has been saying I have been doing too much but I haven't felt over done or anything but it is getting harder to sleep at night, I can hardly roll over it is that painful (my Pelvis is back to no good again and its amazing how much you use it to roll over at night, and put your undies on!!) and when you don't sleep at night, it makes for a hard day, and that is exactly what I have had today. Pretty much acheived not alot, which is a right old pain for me, I showered, hair, makeup, salon for check in, home, cooked muffins and thats it, blah. Getting off the couch is now a mission and a half, especially in a hurry when your 2 year old needs to go to the toilet, as when they need to go, they need to go!!
Not even any sewing today, I have the bug and urge but just can't do it.
Hopefully my DH will come home and give me a cuddle and a foot massage?! Someone out there give him a hint would ya?!
But TGIF! I can say that now that I am not working Saturdays atm, how nice it'll be to have 2 days together as a family!
Bring on next week I say, if I go walkabout, you know where to find me, St Johns Hospital Geraldton!!
Here's some new things I have been making, but as soon as I sew, they sell, which is the idea of course!
Skirt $15 Size 2-3

Skirt $15 Size 2-3

Wipes Pouch - $15 Fits a large nappy and wipes container for quick trips

Taggy Rug for Infant development and exploration with different textures/colours $13

Taggy Rug $13
Enjoy your Weekend!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Bizzy Dayz Products
I survived!! Quite a massive weekend if I do say so myself!
I did my cousins hair for her wedding, and went to the wedding as guests. Boy did she look just gorgeous!! So beautiful, I loved her dress, it had ruffles through the skirt edged with ribbon and a jewel encrusted bodice. Gorgeous!!
We had a great night, and I lasted til 10:45pm!! Stella was even a gem for her first night being babysat by Dh Mum!!
I went to the markets today, a the Old Goal, and it was fantastic!! Great people that are all so talented, Geraldton is really full of clever people! My stall was in the old exercise courtyard, and by 11ish I certainly felt sorry for the prisoners who used it, at 30 degrees it got a little hot to say the least!!
I met some amazing new people too, some of which asked for my business card (guess I should get some made up!!) and want to purchase at a later date!!
So I am going to post a few pics as I make things with the prices etc, if anyone would like to purchase over the net! I listed the items left on Facebook tonight and half of it sold, so quickly, so thanks to everyone for their support! So overwhelming!





$3 EA OR 4 FOR $10



Any enquiries on products, don't hesitate to contact me
Off to watch Underbelly, season premier on TV, and taking the night off sewing!
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and and even better week!
I did my cousins hair for her wedding, and went to the wedding as guests. Boy did she look just gorgeous!! So beautiful, I loved her dress, it had ruffles through the skirt edged with ribbon and a jewel encrusted bodice. Gorgeous!!
We had a great night, and I lasted til 10:45pm!! Stella was even a gem for her first night being babysat by Dh Mum!!
I went to the markets today, a the Old Goal, and it was fantastic!! Great people that are all so talented, Geraldton is really full of clever people! My stall was in the old exercise courtyard, and by 11ish I certainly felt sorry for the prisoners who used it, at 30 degrees it got a little hot to say the least!!
I met some amazing new people too, some of which asked for my business card (guess I should get some made up!!) and want to purchase at a later date!!
So I am going to post a few pics as I make things with the prices etc, if anyone would like to purchase over the net! I listed the items left on Facebook tonight and half of it sold, so quickly, so thanks to everyone for their support! So overwhelming!





$3 EA OR 4 FOR $10



Any enquiries on products, don't hesitate to contact me
Off to watch Underbelly, season premier on TV, and taking the night off sewing!
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and and even better week!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Beautiful Day
Ohh what a beautiful day it is here today!! I have to admit, I am a summer lover, but I do love the weather in Geraldton atm. Coolish in the mornings and nights but a sunny 25 degrees during the day, just perfect! Especially for a pregnant hot water bottle like me!
Haven't blogged for a few days, I have been sewing actually. I have decided to have a stall at this weekends markets. In the old Goals Courtyard, its all handmade stuff and I'm looking forward to it. Everyone is stressing about me doing it, saying I am putting pressure on myself, but they should know be now, that I work better like that and I figure its a good way to make myself sit down for 3 hours and read or something until a potential customer comes along. If I was at home, I would be cooking, cleaning or rearranging something, Or weeding my garden, which I did get told off by Mumsie for doing! What I am not doing is stressing myself about getting things done, but I have a bit in my sewing den that is cut out and just not whipped up, like burp cloths and cloth wipes, and I am making a few owls, they are cut out just need to be put together! So if you want me, thats where I will be , Bill Sewell from 9-12!
Saturday is looking to be a big one too!! My little cousin is getting married! Yay, and I have to say that I am more than relieved to be still going pregnant and strong as I did not want to miss her getting married. Not to mention the fact that I am doing her hair!! I can't wait, I am looking forward to getting back into the salon, even if for a few hours, and creating something! What I am going to wear is a drama in itself atm, a sarong to wrap around my gigantic stomach?! argh!
Speaking of the salon, we have been nominated for a Business Excellence Award from the Chamber of Commerce in Geraldton, and the submissions are due tomorrow! I am more than thankful that my mum is a computer and literacy wiz, as the submission and portfolio is a massive task, pages and pages of things you have to answer and write and it has to be in the right manner. They even hold workshops as to how to make your submission!! A bit ridiculous really, as I think its just to narrow down the feild so they have less to choose from as I am sure there are businesses that wouldn't bother doing it. But thankyou so much Mum, what would I do with out you?
As part of the portfolio I had to taek some pics of the salon, so here are a few!

Well the ultrasound went well on Tuesday, apart from the fact we found out the babies are lying across my tummy, not up and down like they should be, so we are hoping they are going to move or rotate sometime soon. We have been massaging my tummy at night time to try and get them to roll in that direction, whether it works or not, remains to be seen, but we have to try something, I really don't want a c-sect!! They babes are a really decent size by their scan, not that its definate but its reassuring. 5lb 8 and 6lb 5 , not bad at 34 weeks!!
Off to Gyno today, hopefully she has good news, maybe they turned over night!!
Before I head off, a huge thankyou to my followers, how awesome! I originally thought I would be talking to myself, which is totally fine by me, but now I have people that are listening! So thankyou, and hello to the English crew!!
I am learning about this blogging thing everyday, and its actually quite addictive!!
A little pic of princess in the outfit I made her the other day, just the skirt and top, and my niece got a skirt to match, think they both thought they were pretty cool!!
Haven't blogged for a few days, I have been sewing actually. I have decided to have a stall at this weekends markets. In the old Goals Courtyard, its all handmade stuff and I'm looking forward to it. Everyone is stressing about me doing it, saying I am putting pressure on myself, but they should know be now, that I work better like that and I figure its a good way to make myself sit down for 3 hours and read or something until a potential customer comes along. If I was at home, I would be cooking, cleaning or rearranging something, Or weeding my garden, which I did get told off by Mumsie for doing! What I am not doing is stressing myself about getting things done, but I have a bit in my sewing den that is cut out and just not whipped up, like burp cloths and cloth wipes, and I am making a few owls, they are cut out just need to be put together! So if you want me, thats where I will be , Bill Sewell from 9-12!
Saturday is looking to be a big one too!! My little cousin is getting married! Yay, and I have to say that I am more than relieved to be still going pregnant and strong as I did not want to miss her getting married. Not to mention the fact that I am doing her hair!! I can't wait, I am looking forward to getting back into the salon, even if for a few hours, and creating something! What I am going to wear is a drama in itself atm, a sarong to wrap around my gigantic stomach?! argh!
Speaking of the salon, we have been nominated for a Business Excellence Award from the Chamber of Commerce in Geraldton, and the submissions are due tomorrow! I am more than thankful that my mum is a computer and literacy wiz, as the submission and portfolio is a massive task, pages and pages of things you have to answer and write and it has to be in the right manner. They even hold workshops as to how to make your submission!! A bit ridiculous really, as I think its just to narrow down the feild so they have less to choose from as I am sure there are businesses that wouldn't bother doing it. But thankyou so much Mum, what would I do with out you?
As part of the portfolio I had to taek some pics of the salon, so here are a few!

Well the ultrasound went well on Tuesday, apart from the fact we found out the babies are lying across my tummy, not up and down like they should be, so we are hoping they are going to move or rotate sometime soon. We have been massaging my tummy at night time to try and get them to roll in that direction, whether it works or not, remains to be seen, but we have to try something, I really don't want a c-sect!! They babes are a really decent size by their scan, not that its definate but its reassuring. 5lb 8 and 6lb 5 , not bad at 34 weeks!!
Off to Gyno today, hopefully she has good news, maybe they turned over night!!
Before I head off, a huge thankyou to my followers, how awesome! I originally thought I would be talking to myself, which is totally fine by me, but now I have people that are listening! So thankyou, and hello to the English crew!!
I am learning about this blogging thing everyday, and its actually quite addictive!!
A little pic of princess in the outfit I made her the other day, just the skirt and top, and my niece got a skirt to match, think they both thought they were pretty cool!!

Monday, April 5, 2010
Sewing free!
Ohh how sad it is to be blogging tonight, the long weekend went far to quick for my liking! I have enjoyed have Hubby around to help with Stella as I am not as agile as I usually am, and boy has he had jobs to do!! hehe So I feel we are finally starting to get organised for our impending arrivals.
A spot of gardening for the morning we had to do something outside, as cool as it was at 7am this morning as Stella wanted to go out and play on her car, a very pink Cosy Coupe that she got from her Nannie and Gramps, she even had to say goodnight to it tonight!

We also went to a birthday party for the most adorable twin boys this afternoon, thankyou so much AM for your book and advice, I am sure it will be well read, and we all had a ball, thanks again!
The nursery is just about finished, can't wait to post pics to show everyone, but not until the twins are born, it will give it away otherwise and I have contemplated a few b + w versions but its better left. I am utterly obsessed with birds and owls atm so that is what the theme for the babes room is!
I actually haven't sewn anything tonight, which is rare for me lately, and to be honest I am itching to get into my "den" or so my other half calls it. I did make a gorgeous pair of little wide length pants last night, made out of the most beautiful Michael Miller fabric, for a friends baby, luckily she knows she is having a boy! Not too bad if I do say so myself, hehe will post pics tomorrow maybe.
I am off , I will leave you with a pic of the super duper gorgeous quilt Stella received from her Nannie (MIL) , she is a very talented patchworker, and its Stella's first and I just LOVE it! So precious and such an heirloom to keep. There are hand stitched panels all over it!

WE have a growth scan tomorrow , just to make sure both twins are growing at the same rate, and are actually still growing and everything is ok, so fingers crossed everyone that T1 who has been breech , has now, infact spun!
Night all
P.S- I have figured out how to add a picture mid text tonight, a big feat in my world, it was annoying me!
A spot of gardening for the morning we had to do something outside, as cool as it was at 7am this morning as Stella wanted to go out and play on her car, a very pink Cosy Coupe that she got from her Nannie and Gramps, she even had to say goodnight to it tonight!

We also went to a birthday party for the most adorable twin boys this afternoon, thankyou so much AM for your book and advice, I am sure it will be well read, and we all had a ball, thanks again!
The nursery is just about finished, can't wait to post pics to show everyone, but not until the twins are born, it will give it away otherwise and I have contemplated a few b + w versions but its better left. I am utterly obsessed with birds and owls atm so that is what the theme for the babes room is!
I actually haven't sewn anything tonight, which is rare for me lately, and to be honest I am itching to get into my "den" or so my other half calls it. I did make a gorgeous pair of little wide length pants last night, made out of the most beautiful Michael Miller fabric, for a friends baby, luckily she knows she is having a boy! Not too bad if I do say so myself, hehe will post pics tomorrow maybe.
I am off , I will leave you with a pic of the super duper gorgeous quilt Stella received from her Nannie (MIL) , she is a very talented patchworker, and its Stella's first and I just LOVE it! So precious and such an heirloom to keep. There are hand stitched panels all over it!

WE have a growth scan tomorrow , just to make sure both twins are growing at the same rate, and are actually still growing and everything is ok, so fingers crossed everyone that T1 who has been breech , has now, infact spun!
Night all
P.S- I have figured out how to add a picture mid text tonight, a big feat in my world, it was annoying me!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Celebration Day

What a fantastic day for celebrating! Not only did we celebrate Easter Sunday, but also our precious Stella's 2nd Birthday!! Noel and I congratulated each other on surviving the past 2 years, and both agreed it has been the best 2 years of our lives. Our little princess brings us so much joy , its hard to describe, as I am sure all parents well and truely understand!!
Boy did she have a great day too! My Dad, is the biggest kid of all. Every birthday he rings at the crack of dawn or rocks up on your door step. Partly because he has always started work so early, but also because he gets more excited over Birthdays and Christmas than we do!! Needless to say, he called at 6:45am and asked if she was awake, which she wasn't, but at least he gave us a 10min warning the troops were coming!! We then proceeded to take photos of our cherub sleeping and she woke, yay!!
Presents galore and oh so spoilt!! My sister and her family (of 4 kids) slept at my parents the night (she lives 1hr from town on a farm) and the cousins were just as excited at Stella!! So cute!
Stella received some amazing presents today, have posted pics of a few things, my sister, Kristy , is one very talented lady , and owns a handmade business called "The Bread N Butter Factory" and she gave Stella the most beautiful Babushka that I have wanted for ages, and a one of a kind "Clip Holder" with a few gorgeous clips she has made!! So so lucky! I love them to bits. If you guys are interested in her goods, she has a facebook page or let me know and I will put you in contact with her! In the one pic you have the Babuska, Annnie (MIL made it for Stella for Christmas), Stella ( a rag doll she got for her birthday ) and a rabbit I made for her for Easter, so that she didn't get too much choccie!! My first attempt so I was quite pleased!
We celebrated with a super small party at the park for Stella, just with cousins, and that was nice and relaxed and everyone seemed to enjoy it! The Upsy Daisy cake was a hit too! Thank goodness
Now I have been tagged in a blog, check it out guys, now I hope my tagging worked cos I am a real novus at this!! http://coffeeaddictsdotcom.blogspot.com/
But I am to give 7 facts about myself, for those new readers, here it goes!!
1) Something that I just can't get out of my mind, I am nearly 34 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins! Yep, 2 babies
2) I love living in Geraldton, wouldn't want to live anywhere else, for all its flaws and everything that people winge about, I think its fantastic!
3) I hate cream, yep, dislike it, but will eat it on scones and jam. And I hate custard while we are at it
4) I have 4 tattoos, and think I might just be done. Hopefully my husband realises the same one day too!!
5) I have been married for 5 years on the 24th of April, can't believe it. And we still like each other!! No, My husband is so amazing, I am very lucky!
6) I own a hairdressing salon, and emply 6 staff members, boy does that make life interesting but they are all amazing people so I am lucky!
7) Me and sleep don't mix, we have a love/hate relationship. I go to sleep VERY late and get up with our little possum, and although I am tired at times, hmmm still no sleep! Strange!
Hope that helps, and thanks for setting me that challenge!
Off to read my TWINS book, don't know if its a good thing or bad thing, as I swear some of the parts are making me seriously doubt this chapter of our lives, luckily people are usually pregnant with them or have them before they read the book!! h
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Bizzy Day

There is one way to describe today, BIG!!
I find I have the most energy in the mornings so thats when I get to my jobs. As most days, we arise to happy little possum called Stella, well today was NOT one of those days. She has a small stumble yesterday at my parents, whilst carrying a glass (yes a glass) and we think it may have landed on her finger on landing, (how very lucky it did not smash in her hand) , and now she is sporting what we think is a broken little finger. Hmm "sore, ouch"
After that I made honey crackles, cupcakes and baked the birthday cake for her Party tomorrow (she is turning 2!!) all before 8:30am!!
Off to the salon and chaos of town for some jobs, then home to put together her fought/cubby/playgym. She is a little frightened of it just now, but rest assured it will only take a few days.
We finished up the day with tea at the inlaws, quite a relaxed evening with MIL fussing over me, very strange but quite nice and Noels dear Aunty saying I looked like a BEACHED WHALE!! Grrrr thanks alot! Then home to decorate the birthday cake, an Upsy Daisy Cake, not too hard at all, will post photos tomorrow, hope she likes it!!
Anyway, had a late night last night, bloody insomnia!! Hmmm think it was about 1am, but nether the less, I achieved alot!!
I made Stella a gorgeous skirt and appliqued a motif on a top to match, and decided to make her cousin Denbi ("Membi") a matching one too, so aren't they going to be stoked when they get to wear them at the same time!! hehe how cute!! The above pics aren't of the skirt from last night though, but my very first one I have ever made, she wore it to dinner tonight and loved it!
I also attempted my first notebook cover, which I will start to make and sell soon, you can email me for more info or purchasing, I will post some pics when they are done. The one above is a bit dodgy but I was actually making it with my Mum in mind, so I gave it to her as a present today, just cos she is the best and my rock! I also finished 2 owl softies the night before, that I am selling too. there are more to come, these are just prototypes! ( Sorry the purple one has already been claimed by darling Daughter.)I am just loving sewing so much at the moment and get a real kick out completing something, I never use a pattern and just wing it, much to my Mothers disgust, she hates it how I am so casual but its all in the fun of it, so I figure if I can enjoy doing something and people want to buy my stuff then great, that way I have fuel to feed my obsession!!
Feeling pretty huge now, and my feet are monsters!! SO ugly, but just about 34 weeks so really stoked with our progress! Only a few to go, yay!! Although, we watched an AMBA twins delivery DVD today, hmmmm glad I don't see business end in either a C-Sect or natural delivery, not pretty!! hehe
Peace out!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Grand debut!

Wowzers, this is a big step for me. As one that is usually totally hopeless at technology, its taken a while to figure out how to actually make a blog, let alone, posting on one.
So welcome, to Bizzy Dayz, a place that I am hoping will help me once my gorgeous twins arrive, a place to vent ( and hopefully not rant!), get things off my chest and just update those who want to know on the latest happenings in our house, cos there is sure to be some pretty full on things happening!!
I am a mother of one, at the moment, Stella is 2 in two days, and more like 20. She is the light of my life and brings me absolute joy everyday (well most days).
I have a gorgeous husband,Noel, whom I have been with since the tender age of 17, and I have to say, as mooshy as it sounds, we are blissfully happy (most of the time!!!). As far as I'm concerned, we are living the dream, in a gorgeous town, a gorgeous house, with our gorgeous family and experiencing so many gorgeous things. Lucky as can be!
We are also expecting twin babes in the next few weeks, as I am 33 1/2 weeks pregnant, and honestly can't wait for their arrival, but I guess I won't be saying that in a few weeks, so I will have to re-read my post!! Such an amazing experience, to be pregnant with multiples, not the easiest thing in the world, my body has copped a hammering, but such a rare thing, we are feeling very blessed that we are lucky enough to be awaiting their arrival. Stella is also looking forward to her "babbbbiess" coming, although I am sure the jealousy will set in soon enough!
As for the rest of life, if it has room. I own and run an awesome Hair Salon, Tresses for Hair, and have THE most amazing staff. I love what I do, and am struggling not being about to do it at the moment.
If that doesn't take up enough time, I have a new found hobby and addiction, SEWING!! Yep, for those who know me, will probably laugh, but I am loving it!
So far I have made quite a bit of stuff for the twins nursery , a skirt for Stella, some owl softies, a gorgeous rabbit softie for her for Easter and some fluffy bunny rugs! I will post some pics asap.
Well off to enjoy Good Friday. We had THE most amazing seafood lunch at my parents place, Dad cooked as per usual, and it was so yummy, but I certainly ate my 3 person quota , which I haven't done in a long time!!
Above is a sneak peak of our latest photo shoot with the amazing Nicole Jupp from Nicole Jupp Photography.She really is worth her weight in gold, she makes us feel so comfortable with our sessions and Stella loves her!! Pity about my wardrobe choice, definately regretting that now, but hmmm the wardrobe is seriously lacking in options atm!!
Take care all
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