I have been AWOL of late. Due to alot of things, day to day grind, gym, dancing, playgroup, working, football, parties, socialising and most recently, holidaying!
We have just returned, only last night , from a 5 day trip to Shark Bay! Our first holiday camping in a tent with our kids and they were superstars! Slept well, loved the tent, and loved socialising with their cousins!
My parents and my sister and brother in-law and their kiddies also came and it was fantastic!
Beautiful weather, seeing dolphins at Monkey Mia, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, eating, drinking . Bliss!
I will share photos when the events of the weekend are done and dusted!
You see, tomorrow is our precious twins, Max and Lacey, first birthday!! I can not believe it!! Time has flown by and I can not imagine our lives without them in it!
And its on the eve of their big day , that I choose to share with you some big news for our family!! Why? Because, I have been thinking back 12months to the way I was feeling, the emotions, the highs, the lows, and everything in between with twins, and can't believe that we are expecting again!
Thats right, we are pregnant with baby Number 4!!
14 weeks to be exact!! That would explain my absence, the continual nightly wakeups for a chuck (dreaded Morning sickness again!!), the extreme tiredness ( I do not remember EVER feeling this tired, but then again, I haven't had to run after twin babies or a 3 year old whilst pregnant before either!!) and all the other jazz !
This little bundle is a lovely surprise for us, and we couldn't be happier , now that it has all sunk in!
4 kids under 3 1/2 years! But how amazing will the bonds they share be in the future? Certainly worth all the hard work I think!
So this is how our baby is looking at the moment!

I have to admit though, it is feeling a damn site bigger at the moment! I can no longer sleep on my tummy comfortably! I love sleeping on my stomach and have relished in it after having the twins and recovering from our C-Sect, but now its just not good anymore. A small price to pay for such a large bundle of joy I say!
So now that the beans are spilled, I am off to do more baking! So far today, 2 dozen quiches, 2 doz cupcakes, 2 doz choc crackles, honey joys, jelly cups, 2 cakes for creating the birthday masterpieces, choc chip cookies and the night is still young!! All for the big Birthday celebration for the most beautiful and precious babies in the world!! How blessed we are!