Today I feel like I haven't acheived much today, because I really haven't.
We went out to my sisters farm (an Hour from town) for her 30th/End of seeding/ Housewarming party yesterday (we got there about 5:30). It was a great night and the babies were fantastic (Max slept for 5 1/2 hours which is longer than he ever has I think). They were in the shed where the party was, as it was very cold, and there were fires going outside and everything and they were gems. Stella surprised us all and lasted til nearly 12pm, the latest she has ever!! But had she not been in such a good mood and well behaved she most certainly would have gone to bed earlier. Needless to say it was 1am before we got home, and after 2am when we got to sleep. I had to feed Max at 3:30 and then Lacey at 7am but luckily everyone slept in and Noel let me sleep til after 9am! Wowzers, very unusual for me! We also had a sleep in the arvo when Stella did and Noel had one mid morning whilst Stella and I baked Banana and fruit muffins and made jelly and fruit cups ( make them in small tuppaware snack cups for snacks for Stella).
That was our day , pretty much. Its very rare for me to do very little and sleep so much but we need it at the moment, sleep in this house is like gold!
My best friend is visiting from Perth at the moment. She is fantastic, a truely beautiful sole and very caring and considerate. I am so lucky to have her as a friend. She virtually came up to Gero for a few days just to help me, and we are decluttering and cleaning cupboards. You should see my pantry!! OMG!! I will post pics tomorrow when the light is better, its beautiful. She is coming over tomorrow for the day,actually for the next 3 days, and we are tackling other cupboards and rooms and I can't wait!
Meanwhile, a few pics I took of the photoshoot from the weekend for my sisters products from her handmade business, Bread N Butter Factory.

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