To say the last 4-5 months of our lives have been emotional , is an absolute understatement. There have been many lows, tears shed and tough moments but the highs and happy times , by far out weigh all of the hard times!! We are happy, content and feel like life is working out for us , finally.
Yes I miss my family. More than anything else in the world. I miss my Mums cuddles, my Dads pats on the back and my sister and her beautiful family BUT , I am making the most of everyday. The meeting of new people, establishing new relationships, discovering new places to go , new things to do and generally forming a new little life for ourselves here. Complete with a family of friends , all here for the same thing, in the same boat and willing to share their lives with you too.
I have surprised myself by realising that I indeed LOVE our new town. Sure, the lack of shopping, places to eat or go to are a downfall, but the town is full of gorgeous friendly people, lots and lots of activities and things to do all the time and as a family we have a much calmer and more relaxed lifestyle.
My husband works less, we go out more as a family and have loved spending lots of time at the pool and parks on weekends and afternoons. The weather is nice and warm (and its only October), usually sitting mid to high 30's , sometimes the odd day reaches 40 degrees but with a lot less wind than our home town, the afternoons are glorious!
I finally feel settled now. And I know a large contributing factor to that would be that after 10 weeks in a transit house, we finally moved in to a house of our own.
I can not emphasise enough, just how amazing it was , to see the big orange truck pull up and start unloading our containers that had been in storage!
The kids were in heaven! Discovering all their old toys and belongings, even just having their own quilts back on their beds put massive smiles on their little faces!
So..... a few pics of our moving process ...
Packing up the transit house. This is all we had for 10 weeks. Clothes and some kitchen items. |
Our new house!! The colours are out there! It is a slightly renovated 70's style home , but with new tiled flooring and quite an odd layout, but we have made it work and love it now!
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Our BRIGHT laundry! |
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Living area looking towards kitchen and hallway with front door |
DURING!! Just keeping it real! |
The boys now share and so do the girls and the change has been really good! |
The buffet in the entry |
Our Liatorp unit that was a part of our TV unit before didn't fit anywhere unfortunately , however we split them up and now the kids toys are housed in here in their Toy area. |
More of the toy area |
Our living room |
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A girls gotta move over 1200 km to get herself a craft room! |
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And when most of the unpacking was done, the kids got to rediscover their long lost Trampoline!! |
So there you have it. A few sneak peaks inside our new humble abode. Never fear, this place needs lots of organising and redecorating and all for a rental, which is a bit different for us, so stay tuned for more posts!
Ahhhh it feels so good to be back blogging again x
Liz glad you see you are settled now and the new place looks great and the lifestyle change sounds fantastic too!
Such a great adventure you guys are undertaking LIzzie and I am so glad you are just done the road now.