I have been meaning to share this craft with you for a little while but life and sickness has got in the way of a lot of things , unfortunately! These Crepe Paper Spiders were the last creations we made for our Insect theme and the kids thought they were pretty cool!!
Easy as again, simply chop some black crepe paper into little squares, and get the kids to cover the whole back of a paper plate with glue and then the squares.
Finish with some googly eyes and staple on 8 long lanky pipe cleaner legs, bent into shape.
As part of our theme, we have also been reading ;
A Very Hungry Caterpiller
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
and have watched;
A Bugs Life
Why not try it at home?
We have had a short break from scheduled Craft in the last week or so (but still did some at Playgroup and some free painting sessions at home), but will start with our new theme of "Under The Sea" in the next few days! I can't wait!! All the ideas are buzzing through my head!
Luke got a bug catcher for his birthday so he is totally into bugs... This will be a great craft idea for him at the moment. He will love it! Thanks!!! Xx