WOW time flies when you are having fun (or busy with little people!). A little while ago I received this award from a fellow blogger, the wonderful Annaleis from Teapots and Tractors!!
I too, like Annaleis, have never won a blog award, so this was such an honour, and I was listed with another 4 bloggers, all wonderful ladies , and with blogs I like to read.
I too, like Annaleis, have never won a blog award, so this was such an honour, and I was listed with another 4 bloggers, all wonderful ladies , and with blogs I like to read.
Blogging has become more to me than just tapping away at a keyboard, hoping to feel some sort of relief or debrief from my hectic days with our little children. It is now a part of "who I am". Its what I love to do. Ever since my Year 11 English Lit class where we read the book Lord of the Flies, and studied how it was a microcosm of our society, I have love to write. Stringing words together is more than just that. Its expressing yourself, its therapeutic and I feel so lucky to be now able to start the journey of taking my blog to the next level.
There are a few rules for
accepting the award:
- Copy and paste the award on your blog
- Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
- Pick your five favourite bloggers with under 200 followers who deserve to be recognised
- Hope the five chosen bloggers will continue to spread the blog award love
So my 5 recipients are obviously just a few , out the many many blogs that I like to read. I love that all blogs offer something different to the reader. Pick me ups on a down day, laughs when you need it and that inspiration or encouragement to get your shiz organised or get crafting with the kids!
It would be lovely for you to head on over to their blogs, show them some comment love, and see if you like them as much as I do!!
It would be lovely for you to head on over to their blogs, show them some comment love, and see if you like them as much as I do!!

Living on Latte - Kaz is not only a genuine, lovely soul but also has a beautiful home, family and wonderful ideas for organising and crafting!! A woman after my own heart

Life at number 91 - Jill has been an avid follower and supporter of my blog and facebook page. She is gorgeous lady, with 3 gorgeous girls, and she currently has a giveaway running, and some Reno's as well!! Oh dear , busy busy!
Mad Mummas Sweet Randoms - Kell has the BEST giveaways, says some stuff that makes me nod my head and is a lovely lady too!

The Home She Made - One of the fabulous things about blogging, has been connecting with other wonderful women out there that share common interests and tastes. And to me , Clare is one of them. She has a fantastic facebook page, amazing blog and the BEST organising ideas! Thanks for all your inspiration and friendship Clare xo

My Family, Our Home - This wonderful lady Jess, is one of my closest friends. Jess is a VERY kind and generous person, with the perfect knack for decorating and styling! She hasn't blogged for a while, but you will find more than enough inspiration by trawling through her past posts. Just gorgeous
There you have just 5 of my favourite blogs to peruse, they are filled with lots of goodies and wonderful ladies!
Please check them out, and let them know who sent you!
And thank you so much Annaleis for the honour of this award, I think you are pretty special too! ;)

My Family, Our Home - This wonderful lady Jess, is one of my closest friends. Jess is a VERY kind and generous person, with the perfect knack for decorating and styling! She hasn't blogged for a while, but you will find more than enough inspiration by trawling through her past posts. Just gorgeous
There you have just 5 of my favourite blogs to peruse, they are filled with lots of goodies and wonderful ladies!
Please check them out, and let them know who sent you!
And thank you so much Annaleis for the honour of this award, I think you are pretty special too! ;)
All lovely women and bloggers you have chosen Liz. You really do deserve the award xxx
ReplyDeleteThankyou Liz I feel so lucky for you to have chosen me. I will pass on the award. thanks again
ReplyDeleteI'm an English lit loving kid, & a lord of the flies appreciator too.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if a lot of bloggers were. We seem to be one & the same (so many of us) :)
... & that is what I love about blogging :)
Thank you sweetness!
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to be included on your list :)
I'll be responding to this on the weekend
Oh my goodness I am so sorry, I have been so busy and have only just seen this!! Thank you so much Liz.
ReplyDeleteHi Liz! I'm so slow I meant to comment to this ages ago. So sorry :( Thank you so much for your lovely kind words. I feel so privileged to be included with such superb group of bloggers xxx